That Night

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Austin's POV
Jasmine texts me and tells me to come over because she has wings and soda. She was my bestfriend and I was so happy because she was beautiful, she was funny, and she wasn't like Melissa (my soon to be ex-girlfriend) I was telling Jasmine that we were breaking up tonight. Hopefully, she can help me figure out how to break up with Melissa. Melissa wasn't the type of person to take a break up kindly. I'm assuming there will be objects thrown and she will start crying. But I know it's all fake because she has been cheating on me with Drew and probably half the other guys in the school. I don't even know why I dated her in the first place. She came up to me randomly and asked me out and everyone knows you don't say no to her. Which is completely stupid rule because she's a bitch. She treats people like shit. We have been dating for a month and I gave her flowers on our anniversary and she threw them away according to her friend. We barely even talked. And I was in love with Jasmine. She was my best friend and I don't think she could ever accept us as more than that. She was the only person who understood me. I was okay with being best friends though because I can tell her anything and she gives great advice. Plus, I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship over a dumb relationship. She means more to me than anything. I went over after putting some sweatpants on and a hoodie. I was freezing for some reason. I got over there and Cameron laughed at what I was wearing and Jasmine just smiled. I was happy that they accepted me in sweatpants and a hoodie. I didn't need to look good to hang out with them. Melissa would have ignored me if I showed up at her house like this. She probably would have shut the door on my face. We ate the wings and watched American Horror Story on Netflix because we all missed the episode last night. Cameron had to leave in an hour, so we played apples to apples and laughed at all the stupid things we came up with. We listened to music and we had a dance party.
"Okay, I have to go guys, I'll see you tomorrow."
Tomorrow was friday and was the freshman party. I was going to invite Jasmine but I was extremely scared. It was a huge risk even if I was asking to go just as friends.
"Bye! Text me later to pick out my outfit for the party!"
"Okay love you!" Cameron says before she walks out the door.
Jasmine POV
Austin looked so sexy in sweatpants. I've never seen anyone so perfect. I can't believe that Austin couldn't find someone better than Melissa.
"Hey, are you going to the party with someone?" Austin asks me.
I was pouring us drinks and almost spilled mine everywhere.
"No, haha! Aren't you going with Melissa?"
"Nah. We're over."
SERIOUSLY?!?!?! Oh my god, I couldn't believe those words just came out of Austin's mouth. How was it over? Who ended it? Did Austin even like her? Did she even like Austin?
"What happened?"
"Well, she's been cheating on me with like all the guys in school. I can't believe I couldn't see that. But, we are still technically dating because I need your help."
"Well you are pretty stupid." I respond
Austin slaps me on the arm playfully.
"I need to know how I should end it because I don't really want to die." He giggles with his adorable giggle.
NO JASMINE! YOU CAN'T LIKE HIM! NO! I told myself realizing I was falling hard and he wasn't going to be there to catch me.
" You should do it in person but at school, so she doesn't kill you. She knows her peers will be watching so she will be calm. Then right after that block her on Instagram, twitter, keek, email, and her number because she will text and call you and freak out. She will scream and try to get you back the next day but just try to ignore her."
"Wow, it seems like Jasmine is a love nerd. You gotta help me with this kind of stuff more often!"
"So are you still going to the party?"
"Yeah, about that, do you want to go with me?"
"Sure, I mean just as friends obviously."
Okay that was the end of my sanity. I was in love with Austin and it was tearing me apart. I could never tell him because he won't feel the same way and I will make it awkward. But, going to the party with him was going to rip my body parts up and my butterflies are going to become the whole zoo.
We got a blanket and was sharing it. We got really close to each other and he put his arm around me because he didn't have anywhere else to put it. I put my head on his shoulder because I was in an awkward position. I know this seems like we were dating but this was normal for us. Austin did this with a lot of girls probably. We both fell asleep and I woke up and I was laying on Austin and we were both naked. Holy shit! Did we have sex? How do I forget that? Did we just cuddle naked? Was this a rebound? Was I drunk? I was soo confused. I mean I wouldnt be mad that he was my first time but parents would kill me and I wanted to wait till the end of high school to lose my virginity. Although, Austin would never have sex with me. Austin was still technically in a relationship. Was he that drunk? Where did we even go to drink? I woke up Austin by tickling his stomach, and kissing his cheek. I don't even know why. It was like I didn't have control of my own body. I felt a weird sensation in my hands. Austin woke up smiling and said that he had the best night ever and I ask him what happened and he said " we made love to each other and you were amazing."
Austin remembered perfectly. How could he do this? He knew I was drunk and he took advantage of me! I could be pregnant! OMG what if I was pregnant? I slapped Austin in the face and ran out of my bedroom to the porch.
I woke up crying. Thank god that was a dream. I would have loved to have sex with Austin but not now, and not drunk. I wanted Austin to actually like me before we had sex. I woke up and Austin still had his shoulder around me. We were still on the couch in the living room and it was 5:30, so I still could sleep for another half hour. I decided to get up and watch television. Even though, all I could think about was having sex with Austin. My dad was about to leave for work and told me he would be back in time to make dinner. He reminded like every day, to make sure my brother got on his bus okay. Austin woke up to the sound of the door shutting.
"Good morning beautiful!"
"Good morning, Austin."
"Last night was fun, I'll meet you outside to tell you something else nobody knows about Melissa."
"Okay, meet me in 45 minutes."
I put on jeans and a cute top before walking outside.
Austin met with me and he took me outback to his miniature swing set.
"Melissa slept with Drew in the guys' locker room and I walked in on them because I needed to get my bag I left there. Melissa never knew that I walked in on them because they were in the bathroom stall but I could hear Melissa's voice and I saw her lingerie on the bathroom floor. I ran out with tears in my eyes because I knew that it was happening but I couldn't admit it to myself. I went to Lindsey's house and we had sex. It was a rebound but I couldn't help myself. I really hated myself after that night. I was ashamed to talk to you but I couldn't resist because you are my best friend. But I couldn't tell you because I knew you would freak out and it didn't mean anything more than a rebound. I felt terrible for cheating even though she cheated on me. Is that weird?"
"No that's not weird because you should feel guilt. You stooped down to her level. You cheated on her just because she cheated on you. Two wrongs don't make a right Austin."
"I know, please forgive me."
Austin POV
Jasmine was pissed. I could tell. She says she forgave me but she walked to the bus stop with an angry look on her face and when she looked at me she glared into my eyes with a look of disgust. I felt terrible because the girl I love was mad at me. I couldn't deal with that. Jasmine is the most important person in my life and she hates me right now. She ignores me on the bus and doesn't talk to me during class. After school, a senior invites her with her to the seniors house to do their makeup and hair for the party. So, I don't talk to her then either. I wonder if Jasmine was even my date anymore. I really hope she would forgive me, because I can't live without her.
Jasmine POV
"I was really angry at Austin for having sex with Lindsey, but more angry that neither one of them told me!"
"Yeah, that was kind of a dick move! But you still like him right?"
"Yeah, I can't imagine a day, I'm not going to like him."
"You should really tell him how you feel!" Taylor responds with a smile coming across her face!
"I can't do that! He doesn't like me like that and I don't want to ruin our friendship or make it awkward between us!"
"I would understand that if he didn't like you! But he obviously has feelings for you too!"
"I just can't take that chance!"
I texted Austin and asked if he could pick me up from Taylor's. He said he would be here in a couple minutes. Alex was with him. Austin's mom, Michelle, was the sweetest thing ever. She treated me as I was her own daughter. Austin lost his dad when he was 18 months old from cancer. Michelle raised him and pretty well according to how well-mannered and self-efficient Austin is. Michelle treated me as a daughter because my mom passed away in a car accident when I was four years old. I don't really remember her much. We have a ton of pictures hung up around the house though. When I was a little younger, I hated my dad for keeping them up because it was like we were a normal family but we weren't and my mom wasn't coming back. It wasn't like she left and I could go find her. That would be much more calming for me. Instead, I can't visit her and talk to her about girl things and boys and crushes. I made my dad take the pictures down but after awhile, I didn't like having them gone. When I walk in the door after school I enjoy seeing the memories. The times my Dad was actually happy. I liked having them up as a memory of her and the feeling that she was still here with us. A couple weeks later, I decided to help my Dad hang them back up. Nowadays, my Dad is grumpy and tired and lives at work. He works from 6 in the morning to 6 at night and then he stays up late doing paperwork. My Dad and I barely talked and Michelle was the only adult who I could talk to whenever, and she would always give good advice. I haven't talked to her for awhile and she asked how I was doing.
"I'm fine, just getting used to the high school."
"Austin tells me that all the boys drool over you!" Michelle says with a laugh.
"Maybe but the girls all love Austin." Alex adds.
Alex was the type of person who liked to make jokes around his friends but he kept quiet at school. Alex made youtube videos with Austin but Austin was the main focus. Alex was a drummer but he didn't show his skills to the world because he didn't want all the attention.

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