The Next Day

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In the morning, Austin woke me up by tickling me.

I smiled. My dad wasn't there and Austin read my mind. He said that my dad went to get coffee and to sign papers to release me.

"Thanks for staying Austin, it really means a lot. Can we hang out today? we need to talk."

" Yeah we do need to talk but you need to rest for at least a week. You aren't going to school. And you have to stay in bed as much as possible."

"Fuck! That is going to kill me to just sit in bed all day!" I say with an annoyed look on my face. I was pissed.

"Yeah that sucks but it is going to help you and I'm going to visit you every day after school and I bet Cameron and Gabby will too. I will even make you your favorite cookies."

Austin looked just as sad as me. I was actually kind of scared to talk to him. I didn't know how I was going to tell him that I liked him.

When I got home, I fell asleep almost as soon as I got into my bed. It was much more comfortable than the hospital bed. My house also had a better smell than the hospital. The hospital smelled of disease and old people. It was depressing. My house had a crisp smell and it welcomed me. Austin went to school and told me it was boring but I knew he was just saying that to make me feel better. He brought me flowers which was a sign he liked me, right? The next few days went by kind of fast because I slept most of the day and watched some television. Cameron and Gabby both came over and slept over one night. We stayed up late talking.

They told me that Austin was talking to a manager interested in making Austin more famous. The manager lived in Miami and had a whole business. I was really proud of Austin. He had started in 2008 and it was 2010! He had come really far and he kept singing even though he got hate for it. Austin was bullied for a long time. For more than a year, until people actually realized he was an amazing singer. Melissa was one of the main people that bullied him which was really stupid to me. Melissa dated him for his fame. I can't wait till he becomes famous and she dreads the day she cheated on him with Drew. Drew used to "like" me but I think he just wanted sex just like three quarters of the guys in our school. Austin was different though. Austin wasn't a virgin because he had sex with Melissa like twice. But he didn't date people for sex. He dated people for their personality. Melissa was only his second relationship. Austin wasn't popular until Melissa. His other relationship was Cameron. Yeah, that's how me and Cameron became friends. Gabby made us all popular. We all met Gabby in 7th grade. She was "popular" ever since she was in 1st grade. She actually used to be best friends with Melissa.

Austin came over the next day and gave me sour patch kids, my favorite. I asked Austin about the manager and he said "He's pretty cool and he also has a huge business! He would be a great manager. I'm interested with him. We are just talking about details right now. He said that he would give me lyrics to start off and I can make some lyrics and he will help me turn them into a song! I'm scared to become a real singer so fast."

"It"s been two years Austin! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you! Is your mom, overwhelmed with happiness?" I gave him a hug. I was done with being in bed. I recovered pretty fast.

"Yeah, she's really excited for me and my future looks promising."

Austin went back to his house to pack his bag. He decided to sleep over.

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