The First Day

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Jasmine's POV:
"I have no idea what to wear today?!" I say to Gabby. Gabby and I have been friends since 7th grade and Gabby made me more popular. Gabby has the sense of style and I help Gabby with school work.
"Wear your floral skirt and your white crop top!" Gabby answers. I tell her I'll meet her outside the school in the morning and I change and get ready. I put a little makeup on and eat some pancakes. I say goodbye to my Dad and I meet Austin outside. Austin has been my guy best friend since forever. My dad and his mom grew up together and they were best friends. Me and Austin believe " we cried together, we'll die together!" I'm really glad I have Austin by my side because he always stuck up for me in elementary school when all the girls bullied me. And if you were wondering, I'm not his "girlfriend" but we hang out almost every day and I can tell him things and trust that he won't tell anyone. Okay maybe I had a little crush on him but it does not matter because he has a girlfriend and he would never like me like that. We live next door to each other and we ride the same bus. On the bus, all the guys stared at me and Austin while we walked on the bus. The guys were all staring at me like I was an alien, and they all started attacking me with questions. They asked if I just moved here and why they had never seen me before. I did not hang out with high schoolers like all my friends did. Gabby spends a lot of her time with her friend Katie in high school. Gabby is dating a boy named Sterling, who was a Junior and one of Austin's friends. I realized that all the girls were drooling over Austin. I mean it was pretty common, he was practically famous. Austin and Alex, his best friend, make youtube videos every friday and Austin makes covers for popular songs. Austin has an amazing voice and he is the most talented guy I know. When we finally got to school, Austin said "all the guys think you're hot!" I was surprised because I haven't dated anyone since 6th grade and it was Alex and it didn't really mean anything. That was my first and only relationship, and it was kind of awkward. Last year, I looked really different because I had glasses and I had long dark brown hair. Now I have blonde hair and contacts. I actually have a lot of guy friends, Gabby and Cameron were my only girl friends. I met Gabby outside and Cameron was with her. Me and Austin had 6 out of 8 classes together and me and Cameron had 4. Me and Gabby had 7 together which was surprising. Gabby was taking two honors and I was only taking one and it was honors world cultures. Today, was just to meet the teachers and get to know each other. The first 3 periods went by really slow but the rest of the day flew by. My favorite place was the cafeteria where they sold coffee. Me and Austin went to his house and watched Netflix in his basement. We watched safe haven and mean girls. Austin asked me if I was going to the freshman party on Friday and I decided that I was going to go because Cameron convinced me. Me and Austin made fun of all our teachers one by one. We said how Mr Miller had gross hair and wore gross clothes, and Mrs Louis had an obnoxious voice and her makeup looked terrible. Austin was staring at me, and I asked him what he was looking at and he told me, I was beautiful. I said thanks and we sat in awkward silence for a couple minutes. Austin's basement was humungous! His couch was really comfortable and he had paintings on the wall behind us. His mom had a pool table and a ping pong table for parties. Austin was one of the "rich kids" at school and to be honest, I felt lucky to be his friend. He always took me to movies and bowling and we went shopping like once a week. He bought me clothes and for my birthday he always got me something big, like last year he got me a mini-fridge and he packed full of snacks and candy that I loved. Alex, Zach, and Robert came over and we played video games for awhile. I fell asleep in Austin's arms which made me feel safe. Austin was the only person I felt completely comfortable around. Gabby and Cameron were both popular and they talked about shit like who they thought were gonna be homecoming queen and king. I didn't even know if I was going if I didn't get a date. Austin was going with his girlfriend and Gabby was going with Sterling. Alex was going with his girlfriend, Sarah. Cameron was asked by Zach. and Robert was taking this girl in his class named Brianna. In the morning, I went back to my house and changed into high waisted denim shorts and a black shirt. We all met outside and decided to walk to school. The school was only a couple minutes away. We stopped at Rutter's to get some coffee. Austin bought me some because I didn't have money. When we got to school, Austin and I walked to class and his girlfriend met us in the hallway. I hated her so much. She was such a bitch to everyone but Austin didn't see that because she acted like a princess when she was around him. She had long light brown hair that went down to her big ass. I think the only reason Austin was dating her was because everyone thought they would be cute together. At our school, there was popular people and then nerds. There was two groups of popular people though. There was the popular people who were obsessed with themselves and wanted everyone to love them. Then there was the popular people that just had a lot of friends and were friendly and liked to be around people and have a good time. I was the second type. Yeah I wore makeup. but I'm not obsessed with everything on my body and I don't care what people think of me. A lot of people consider Austin's girlfriend and her crew "popular" just because they are prettier and they hang out with more people. They have the blowout parties on the weekends. My "group" has about like 30 people in it and we have small parties every once in awhile but we don't go crazy and we just chill. We aren't the type of people who gossip 24/7 and I think some people like that about us. We are just "fun to be around." Usually, me, Austin, Zach, Robert, Alex, Tyler, Sterling, Lindsey, Kaitlyn, Jasmine, Cameron, and I chill. Otherwise, it's just me and Austin. To be honest, I prefer just him and I. Being around people all the time can be annoying. I like spending time alone or just with Austin. School goes by fast today, and me and Cameron go shopping after school. We go to Hollister and Abercrombie and Charlotte Russe and we talk about homecoming. She tells me that I should come anyway. "Maybe, I'll think about it," I say.
"Do you still like Austin?" Cameron asks randomly.
"Why? Does it matter?"
"No, but I can totally picture you guys together, and she's a bitch. Why is Austin dating her? Someone saw her pick her nose! EW! That is gross. Austin deserves someone, so much better. He's like almost famous and he's dating a nose-picker!"
I start bursting out laughing in the middle of Hollister and everyone looks toward me. I quiet down and say " Yeah, but even if they did break up Austin still wouldn't like me. I'm his best friend and nothing more.
"Shut the fuck up about that. He would totally like you and if not then he's stupid. You're gorgeous!"
"Thanks, Cameron but Austin doesn't date girls like me."
We finish at Hollister and drive to Buffalo Wild Wings and pick up some wings. We go back to my place and I text Austin to come over.

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