The Letter

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We were informed of the female titan during the de briefing. Her abilities were beyond anything they had seen and she has murdered more than 400 of our men. Our mission was simple; Kill the titan and cuff the criminal inside of it. But some things are easier said than done. 

I rode my horse back to my home, a small brick house with a line of fresh laundry being dried near the front entrance. My mother came out hugging me and pinching my cheek like a child. " Mom! Please, stop!" She giggled and released my cheek. My father emerged from out of the front entrance carrying a bucket of used mop water. "Petra! Good to see you home!" I took the bucket from his hands and set it down to hug him. " We set your room up Petra." I smiled, "If you don't mind, could i rest a bit?" My father smiled, "Of course dear, we will be up here if you need anything!" 

I entered my old room and lit a candle. I have to write my father the letter. I thought. I have to explain Levi and i because i will survive. I pulled paper out of a drawer and a pen, 

Dear father,

With the years i have been working with captain Levi, i noticed i got stronger and we as his squad changed him. We have his full trust and he has our's. We came into town with long faces because our fate has been decided; the 57th expedition will be commenced in a week from today. Our chances at survival are low but i have faith in our hard working troops, and the captain. 

But, if i don't survive, i ask that you bless our marriage father. Yes, i said it, marriage. The captain completes me like no one else can, and i strongly believe that i complete him. It may seem silly that even though i'm gone you bless our marriage- but, it will give him closure knowing that you approved of him. 

Father, i truly, deeply, with a passion, love Levi. And if i don't return please know i fought as hard as i could, and that i love you and mother with all of my heart. 

                                                                                                                                          With love,

                                                                                                                                   your daughter, Petra.


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