Chapter 5 (edited)

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I woke up with a weight on my stomach. An arm, Luke's arm. He was so warm and cozy, he looked so peaceful that I couldn't stand to wake him. I stayed there for a few more minutes studying his features, as I have never been this close to his face before. At least not with my eyes open. 

I moved slightly trying to get out from under him but to no avail. His arm tightened around my waist and his head was lying on my shoulder, a soft grunt came from his throat.

"Luke?" I poked his cheek. He swung his leg around me like I was a giant teddy bear.

"Luuuuuuke?" I sang out as I probed his cheek again. He wrapped himself around me tighter, I can only see one logical way out of his grasp.

"LUKE! THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!" I screamed. He shot up and fell off the bed. I busted out laughing, barely able to breathe. 

"Ugh," he groaned, getting up off the floor only slightly, his head poking up barely above the edge of the bed. He waggled his eyebrows up and down, a playful smirk on his face.

"Luke no. Don't do it!" As he jumped onto the bed I jumped off. I pulled open the door and ran down the stairs. I ran towards the kitchen to find Ashton making some sort of breakfast that I didn't have time to pay attention to. 

"Ashton save me! Luke is going to kill me!" I hopped on Ashton's back and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"What the?" He said, regaining his balance.

"Ashton! Don't protect her! Put her down!"

"Never Hemmings. Never!" Ashton giggled and ran down the hallway with me on his back. He ran into their game room and tossed me a Nerf gun and an extra magazine. He tossed a simple handgun down the hall to Luke and took aim. This must be a regular thing in their house. Who would have thought I would be having a Nerf gun war at nine in the morning with the hot guys across the street. 

"This means war!" Luke yelled. 

We ran around the house for another ten minutes or so shooting each other until Michael and Calum joined in. We unofficially made teams of me and Ashton, then a team of Luke, Michael, and Calum.

I was in the living room trying to shoot Calum when Ashton called for me to come upstairs. I shot Calum in the forehead and took the stairs two at a time. When I reached the top Aston pulled me into one of the other boys' rooms, I think it was Calum's. 

"I captured Luke but haven't shot him yet, in letting you do that one. Stay here and keep watch I have to get some payback on Michael for last time." He turned around and started out the door.

"Okay? I already got Calum it's just you and Mikey!" I yelled at him.

"Hold on you got Calum? But he's the best, nobody ever gets Calum!" Luke said with his eyes the size of saucers.

"Yeah, right in the forehead. You should have seen his face when it stuck there." I couldn't help the giggle that slipped past my lips.

"Damn you're good. And here I thought that I would be able to get out of this room without you shooting me." He said smoothly stepping forward, oh so slightly.

"Oh did you now? I don't know if you have noticed but my gun has been pointed at you the entire time." He smirked and stepped even closer. I took a step back but I hit a wall.

"Yeah I've noticed, but I've also noticed that your finger isn't even on the trigger. That means you have no intention of shooting me."

He took three more steps, closing the space between us. He placed his hands on my hips. His face was merely two inches from mine. My breath hitched and my eyes locked on his.

"Shoot me." He whispered moving his face even closer.

I reached up, with the hand not holding the gun, and pulled his lips to mine. He instantly kissed back. I opened my lips, allowing him access without him even having to ask.

During the heat of the moment, Luke must have forgotten that I still had the gun and I shot him in the stomach. I pulled away and screamed,

"I win!"

"You cheated!" Luke looked at me and couldn't decipher what he was feeling.

"Awe, are you mad cause I beat you?" He crossed his arms, pouted, and turned around. Why is he so cute when he's upset?

"Awe Lukey don't be mad." He didn't turn around so I put the gun on the floor and ran.

I jumped on his back and wrapped my legs around his waist. He put his hands under my legs to keep me from falling, but still didn't say anything.


No answer.


No answer.



"Baby...." I whined.

He shifted a little but still didn't respond.

I leaned down and kissed his neck.

"Lena. Don't." Luke finally spoke up.

"Don't what?" I asked in an innocent voice before kissing his neck again, one hand playing with his hair.

I honestly am going through and editing everything I wrote like five years ago, and holy shit it is awful in most places. I am not proud of it at all but I am going to continue with it due to my hatred for not finishing things. Sorry for the poorly written story and for leaving it for so long.

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