Chapter 13 (edited)

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I was in the kitchen making some eggs and bacon for the boys when Calum walked in, completely nude.

"Oh my god Calum!!" I threw my hands in front of my face to block the view of his package. Calum jumped about five feet into the air and covered his downstairs.

"Jesus Christ!!" He yelled and ran back up the stairs.

I shook my head and continued fixing breakfast. I was flipping over the bacon when I heard Calum talking to Luke.

"Dude next time you bring her over let me know." His voice was harsh and loud. I paused to better hear them.

"Whoa dude calm down. What happened?" Luke sounded really confused.

"I walk in the kitchen like I do every morning and guess who was in there."

"Wait, like you always do?"

 He walks into the kitchen naked every morning?

"Yes, Luke she saw my dick!"

Luke instantly started laughing, like full on belly laugh. I could here Calum telling him to shut up then stomp into his room. I continued with the bacon when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"I like you better in my shirt." My cheeks flushed pink.

We have only been officially together for about two weeks and we are acting like we've lived together for years. It's all going really fast. And oddly enough I'm okay with it. But what happens when he breaks your heart?

Shut up brain.

"Thank you, Lucas, but I don't care to walk around the other boys in just your shirt." His grip tightened around my waist.

"Don't ever let them see you like that. You're mine." His tone was soft but his message was rough.

I wriggled out of his arms and finished moving the bacon to a plate. I placed all my dirty dishes in the sink to wash later and calmly walked into the living room. Who does he think he is, saying what I can and cannot do?

I slumped into the couch bringing my knees to my chest. I guess I should be flattered that he wants me all to himself. I don't know maybe I'm just thinking about this too much. Don't get me wrong the possessive side of Luke is kinda attractive.

"Hey, are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" Luke walked in and sat next to me, gingerly opening his arms for me to lay against him.

"Yah just a lot is going through my mind. I'm okay though." I smiled at him and laid against his chest.

His fingers traced patterns on my hip where my shirt had risen up. Goosebumps were created wherever he touched. Showing him how much of an effect he had on me.

"So how come your parents are so chill with you pretty much never being home?"

I tensed. Should I tell him? Can I trust him? Of course, I can.

"They don't really care about me. I was the accident, the mistake." I felt him tense up behind me.

"What do you mean? If you don't mind me asking."

"I don't mind. When my brother was about five he was diagnosed with lung cancer. It wasn't extreme but my dad couldn't take it. He ended up cheating on my mom and I happened. My birth mom wanted nothing to do with me so she handed me off to my dad. Now I'm just a reminder of his betrayal. Now that my brother doesn't have cancer anymore he blames himself for how my parents treat me. I think that's the only reason he actually stays at the house. I could probably go to Mexico without telling them and they wouldn't care. One less problem for them to deal with I guess."

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