The Prince of Fish

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I looked around startled. I was underwater and to make it even worse, I could breathe down here too! I started to panic but stopped as a hand grabbed mine. I gasped, feeling the sparks that marked us as mates.

I looked at the person's gray eyes. It appears that he made me an air bubble to breathe but he clearly didn't need one. I saw him breathing normally. How did it come to this?

One hour earlier

Classes just ended and I rushed the heck out of there. I needed caffeine in my system and I needed it NOW. I rushed to the cafe near the college I go to and groaned as I took in the long line. For the first day of classes, looks like everyone feels dead inside too.

I moved away from the cafe. I didn't care about coffee anymore but I suddenly felt hungry. I knew the location of a place but it was 10 minutes away by walking. I didn't mind so I started to walk.

I crossed the pedestrian bridge and glanced at the water below. While admiring the sight I noticed something rather peculiar. The water was rising as high as the sky. I thought nothing of it since someone was obviously controlling it. I continued walking.

Surprisingly, all the water just landed on me! I screeched as I felt myself being lifted and suddenly I was thrown in the sea. I panicked because I'm just a lousy human so I can not breathe underwater. I flailed about desperately, trying to breathe, but it was no use since I started sinking into the ocean. Through my panic, I saw someone casually swim towards me. He had long hair that was blue and tied up in a ponytail. I noticed he had a sword by his waist but his clothes weren't normal. It looked waterproof.

I watched as he moved his arms about. It seems that he was creating an air bubble because I could suddenly breathe. I didn't understand what was happening but when our hands touched I knew. We were mates.

He smiled. "My name is Arden and I rule over the kingdom of fish."

I stared at him. He's definitely a supernatural being. "So... You can control water?" I asked. That was great for a conversation starter.

He laughed. I noticed that he was doing all of that outside the air bubble. "As the Prince of Fish, I can do anything underwater. By the way, what's your name?"

"I'm Raven." I laughed shyly. "It's nice to meet you Arden."

"I like you already," Arden said. I smiled at this and watched as he moved me in the air bubble to where he lived.

I stared at the giant shipwreck. This is where he lives? I glanced at him questionably but he just led me inside. It looked quite cozy for a home under the sea and I was intrigued by everything I saw because it looked normal. He grasped my hand and led my air bubble to a posh looking chair. I sat and was surprised to see my air bubble still around me.

"Since you rule over the fish, are you a fish? Like....a fish boy or something? And are you the king of fish?"

He laughed. "No no. I am the prince but I am ruling in place of my father, the king, who has left to woo the Princess of the Starfish. It is crazy but ever since his mate, who was my mother, died hundred of years ago he never got over it until now. Actually to answer your first question, I am in fact a fish."

He shimmered so I shielded my eyes. When I looked back at him, I saw a giant blue fish. He swam around me excitedly.

"How old do you guys live to?" I asked, perplexed.

He turned back into a human, which was a rather interesting sight to watch. "A long time. My father is 1048 years old but I am a mere 535 years old."

I gasped and stared at him closely. He looked around my age but I am 21. "That's crazy," I muttered under my breath. Somehow he heard and explained to me that supernatural beings like him live for a long time.

"Worry not, love." he reassured me. "When I mark you, your human lifespan will increase and we can live together forever." He gently caressed my hand.

"Ok," I said unsurely. "But how did your mother die?"

He immediately frowned and I saw the water around him turn a darker color.

"It's ok. Don't answer that," I said, when I realized he was uncomfortable talking about it.

He smiled and pulled me into him for a hug. I closed my eyes as I hugged him back but my stomach grumbled.

"When you kidnapped me, I was going for food," I told him. He raised an eyebrow. With a flick of his finger we were flying through the water and suddenly we were on the surface. On an impulse, I closed my eyes but Arden caught me. "Let's go!" He yelled happily. I grasped his hand and started walking to my destination.


In the cafe I selected, we were sitting and chatting while eating food. I would've liked to call it our first date but I knew he probably had something better than this in mind. Suddenly the door burst open and my best friend rushed inside. Upon seeing me, she crushed me in a hug which made me gasp in pain.

"Oh are you alright Rav?" She asked.

I held my ribs since they HURT but I heard Arden ask, "Raven, who is this girl?" When I looked up, I saw them both staring at me.

"She's my best friend and her name is Danielle. Dani, this is Arden. He's my-"

She cut me off by screeching loudly, "YOU GOT A SUPER HOT BF AND INSTEAD OF TELLING ME U RUN OFF WITH HIM???!!!"

I groaned as her loud voice pierced my brain and banged my head on the table. Arden glanced at me worriedly.

Danielle sighed. "Ok I see. You landed a smoky hot boy but that doesn't give you the right to ignore me and-."

"Stop talking," a voice rang out. I lifted my head, startled, and saw Arden clenching his fists angrily. "She is my mate and the love of my life. You DARE not give her enough time to explain while you go rambling on like an idiot!"

I gulped. So this is his angry voice. Danielle immediately sat next to me. She forced a smile. "Sorry, I was just worried. You see, Raven was gone for almost 5 hours."

I looked up so fast, I saw stars. Luckily I was sitting or I would have fallen over. "I missed my classes! Then again, I choose love over some lame classes. Wait, classes are important!" After saying that, I glanced at Arden. He looked at me and was clearly confused but at least he calmed down enough that his voice was normal.

"My love, just a thought. I don't go above sea much and I only sensed you through your smell. We fish have good smell but anyway how do you pay for things above ground?"

I laughed. "It's on me."
He frowned. "I can't let you pay for this."

"Do you have money?" At my question, he stopped arguing and looked at his plate bashfully.

I laughed and leaned over to hold his hand. "It's ok. When we go underwater, you can do whatever you want there, right?"

At my words he perked up happily and nodded. "I already know where to take you!" He kept yapping about what he'll do. I smiled at Danielle. She took my hand. "I think you two would be happy together," she whispered. I nodded and we watched my cute mate go on and on about everything we would enjoy.

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