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Recap :-

" where are we going " i asked as i held on his hand he had offered to me 

Harry placed his hands on Niall's shoulder while Liam and Chris stood close to us

" To the Battle " Niall said with a serious face as our feet left the ground


Zina's Pov :-

as our feet touched the ground i saw a view i'd never want to see ,, it was a real Battle , we were in the woods but when my eyes fell on who were in front of us i was both shocked and deeply concerned there are my aunt , Dylan , Demi , Eleanor , Lou and two girls i didn't Recognize who were a blood mess were lined up against what was about 20 gigantic wolves and all of them were black . pitch black with bloodshot eyes ready to kill 

" oh , no " i muttered under my breath uneasily ,, it seemed like someone has his fist wrapped tightly around my heart ,, my breath was coming out slowly 

while my eyes were scanning the view in front of me ,, my eyes fell on his 

he looked at me with relief showing clear in his eyes ,, his eyes checked every inch of my body but i could tell it wasn't because of desire nor because of hunger ,, it was because of worry ,, he gave me warm smile for the first time before a sudden growl cut our eye contact causing zayn's head to tear away from my direction to land on the lady that whenever my eyes land on her i feel obnoxious

" Zayn's telling me to take you to another place ,, because after a couple of seconds this place will be a massacre " Niall whispered the last part his blue eyes filled with tension

" yes , and you better hurry up " Harry stated ,, in a flash he was beside the others

" come on Zina are you really gonna run away from this ? ,, are you gonna be a coward ? ,, all of them is going to get killed for you and don't worry i don't like to doubt so i'm going to make sure i'll kill all of them slowly and pain-"

" cut the crap " Zayn cut Melisa's threatening lecture with a hard expression on his bloody face " no one is going to die here ,, except you " Zayn hissed at her clinching his fists 

" let us see " Melisa growled here eyes turning bloodshot just like the wolves that were standing beside her 

" i guess you have to take them now " Liam said passing Chris to Me and Niall not leaving Niall a chance to reply running vampire speed next to a girl with curly hair 

" let's go before it's too late " Chris said glancing at the massacre that was about to happen with sadness 

Niall's hand wrapped around mine while Chris's arm was wrapped around Niall's shoulder 

without any word i felt that light feeling again ,, i closed my eyes trying to Decode the knots in my mind ,, i was confused and lost i didn't know what to do ,, and in the same time i feel like something isn't right ,, there's something missing 

my tangled thoughts were cut off by the sound of crashing waves 

i smelt a scent i always used to love ,, warm sand ,, cold wind blowing against my check the soothing sound of the waves crashing .. the ocean 

i gave Niall light warm smile pressing my lips together 

" come on let me show you were you should rest " Niall said with a small nod taking Chris to a small beautiful house   

i followed them as my brain started to hurt ,, Niall let us in the simple house sitting Chris on a wooden chair in front of the window that has a great view to the shore

Lost In Time ,, (A Zayn Malik Vampire Love Story ) *Under A Major Editing*Where stories live. Discover now