The Memories That He Refused To Remember

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" Look behind you "

i looked behind me and i think it was her ,, Melisa ,,

she stood there with black eyes ,, completely black just like Zayn's when his Demon is controlling him ,, she looked so scary ,, i was shaking slightly ,, but what came next made me want to disappear from my life and never come back ,,she mouthed those words to me 

" You're Gonna Die Sweetheart" she said that with a smile on her face like she was greeting me 


as soon as i heared those words ,, my body was in shock that i couldn't move ,, breath ,, or even blink ,, my body was frozen and my lips couldn't move to scream or even whisper ,, when i finally felt some power ,, i blinked maybe i was dreaming

when i blinked nothing was there but the words that was on my mirror 

the only thing that came in my mind was to call Zayn or maybe go to his place ,, 

i changed into a pair of black jean shorts and a batman tee and a big comfortable shirt 

i got down stairs to find that my aunt was nowhere to be seen ,, thank god

i opened the door crossing the street knocking on Zayn's front door a little rougher that usual ,, he opened ,, a wave of relief hitting us both ,, i hugged him tightly ,, immediately crying in the crock of his neck ,, i sobbed loudly and hysterically ,, because i was extremly scared out of my mind ,, all i was doing in that moment was to cry in Zayn's neck 

" please come down ,, i'm sorry that i couldn't do anything because she put a force filed spell around your house so i won't get in " he mumbled in my hair rubbing my back

i broke away ,, frowning 

"what force filed spell " i asked and my jaw was almost touching the floor 

Suddenly i heard some noise i looked behind Zayn to see Niall ,, he was holding his sides rolling on the floor from laughter ,, and about the rest of them they were trying to hold their laughter but they miserably failed .. Liam was bitting his lips tightly so he won't laugh ,, Lou was holding his sides  laughing silently while he was sitting on the couch and finally harry ,, he was curled in a ball beside Niall laughing along with him .. i raised my eyebrow in disbelieve ,, what's wrong with these people ,, are they crazy 

i looked at Zayn to See him facing the wall so i won't see him laughing but his shoulders were shaking up and down from laughter 

" okay ,, seriously ?? guys what's wrong with you ,, that freaking witch was about to give me a heart attack ,, and you're making fun of me " i said not believing them 

"s-s-sorry ,,, but you should've seen your face ,, " Niall said laughing loudly

" it ,, it was hilarious " Lou said laughing louder than Niall ,, shot ,, his laugh was so loud ,, 

" oh my god ,, i can't stop laughing ,, Zina please stop thinking your thoughts are making it harder to stop " Zayn said laughing hysterically

honestly Zayn's laugh was cute this is the first time i see him actually laughing .. and i loved it 

oh come on seriously Zina ,, what are you thinking you was about to get killed minutes ago

" oh i'm cute now ain't i " Zayn said winking cheekily at me 

i smacked his shoulder playfully wiping the dry tears off my cheek 

"that isn't the perfect time to be full of yourself you know ,, i was about to get killed from a freaking witch  " i said getting sassy 

" Hey ,, Zayn you didn't tell us that you have a sassy mate " Lou said smiling at Zayn 

Zayn looked at him shooting daggers towards him 

" it's non of your business " Zayn said grumbly

can we stop that useless talk and some one please tell me what is the force fieled spell and why Zayn couldn't come in my house"

" Force Field is like an invisible power that can hold you back from going in where ever is it around " Liam said looking like a professor 

" well you're right he is a pro " Zayn said shrugging his shoulders 

" thank you " Liam said flashing me one of his warm smiles ,, Maaaaaan he'a such a cute teddy bear

"Zinaaaaaaaa " Zayn growled from beside me 

"okay okay ,, i'm sorry " i said putting my hand in front of me defensively

" Zayn we've to go for now ,, we'll going to feed ,, Niall started to get hungry so all of us " Lou said calmly

Feed?! ,, that means human blood .. and innocent people maybe get killed ,, 

and i thought they were good guys .. i thought to myself as i felt  disappointed

i felt a hand on mine .. it was Zayn's ,, he looked at me squeezing my hand tightly bringing it to his lips kissing it 

" Don't judge i'll make it clear after they leave " Zayn said in my head as i nodded in agreement blushing slightly ,, I felt the place where his lips touched getting tangled

" come on boyes i'm getting more hungry by the time and it's not safe " Niall said nervouslly

they gathered  themselves around Niall ,, and in a blink the boys were nowhere to be seen ,, i looked at Zayn for an explanation 

" okay ,, i'll ,, explain .. Liam and Niall feeds on animal blood so none will get hurt ,, but... '' he paused for a second

"it's a different story for Lou and Harry ,, both of them were soldiers in the British army they were fighting in the kandyan wars ,, the kandyan wars was between the British army and the kingdome of kandy ,, all i know that both of them were bitten in 1803 in the beginning of the war and i think the one who bit them was on of their friends in the army .. they were like brothers to each other but after they got turned they left the army secretly so they won't hurt anyone ,, they lived together and they are used to human blood that's why i'm here now ,, they turned me in 1890 while i was walking home late in the woods and they found me ,, the feed on me and instead of leaving me to die in the middle of nowhere .. they decided to turn me so they won't be alone ,, after i got turned they taught me how to feed and how to deal with my powers and all .. it was hard for me to never go back home and watch my family die in front of my eyes but it wasn't my choice anyway " he finish sighing deeply 

" it's okay ,, you've to believe that everything happens for a reason " i told him rubbing his back trying to comfort him 

i was rubbing his back but he seemed hurt ,, i was stupid to bring the past back ,, i think it is a sensitive point for Zayn
i looked at him ,, and i thought to myself ,, that i was pathetic ,, i thought that losing my mum and dad was a great suffer but it wasn't even half of what Zayn passed through ,, he lost all of his family members in front of his eyes and he couldn't do anything because he was forced not to show himself to anyone ,, because once they know what he is ,, the'll get away from him and they will fear him ,, and that will be a nothing but a greater kind of suffering ,, to watch the people he love hate and fear him ,, maybe it's the same thing for me ,, Zayn gets angry when i fear him ,, because me fearing him will only bring him the memories back .. the memories that he refused to remember 


sorry for the short chapter ,, :)

Note >> i wonn't update till this chapter get 5 votes and 5 comments 

sorry but i've to know of my story is worth it or not :( 

Ramdaaaan kareem to all the Muslims readers 

Yousra xx

Lost In Time ,, (A Zayn Malik Vampire Love Story ) *Under A Major Editing*Where stories live. Discover now