Chapter 28--The man with the power

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"Is this it?" Clarisse wipes her hands on her pants as she looks at the vent.

"I suppose," I pull the hat Clarisse loaned me down. My hair is tucked up under it. But I still feel out of place. I feel this will not work. Yet I have to try. If Titus himself could not come up with a better plan then what I am to do?

"What if he was trying to trick us?" she asks.

"What if? Odds are he was, but this is best chance we've got," I say.

"Maybe we should have just told the others," she says.

"If they bring in the military or the police he could go crazy and hurt Soren. He has to think everything is going according to plan until it doesn't and then it has to be too late," I say. Would Quinn hurt my baby? No, Quinn wouldn't not Quinn who bought be ice cream. Quinn who quizzed me before exams. But this isn't Quinn. He's lost his mind. 

"Okay," she says, "But I'll go first. Cause if I get caught in a trap you can get me out of it."

"You got me out of the trap last time," I say.

"Let's go together then," she says.

"Okay," I say.


I climb out of the ship and walk through the throng of Spacemen. I do not take my helmet off right away, but neither do some of the others. It feels good to be back. hilarious in a lot of ways. But I focus on the good of it. I'm one of them, again. walking in slowly, sick from the change in pressure, weak in the knees and thirsty, eyes blurry from flying. Just another Spaceman.


Where would I go if I were Tess? Better yet, where would Tess go if she were Tess? I sigh. I've got no idea where to start. I feel stupid. Why can't I figure this out?

There's only one person who could figure out the impossible, but he's insane now. But he could still be of help. and in fact, what if he and Titus have something to do with all this? He wants to get back at Titus, getting Tess on his side would be a good start.

I turn and run down the street towards the train station. I have a plan now. a terrible one but that's of no consequence. I will find Quinn. I can get into Milton now. if nothing else, maybe I can help him.


I pull my helmet off, letting sweat dribble down my face. so good to be back, I smile as I shoulder past people. They don't look twice at me. not in uniform, not walking so calmly among them. One will notice me, however, and if my calculations and sentiments are correct and she is not as stupid as all the rest then she should be right about----

"Hello Major Tom," I say, my hands closing around her neck as I pull her into a closet. They really ought to bored up more closets. They are far too convenient for people like me.

"I knew you'd come," she says, as she kicks me in between the legs. I'm still wearing my armor for that reason. I know her; she fights dirty.

"Nice to see you again," I said, still holding her so tightly she can barely breath, "I was hoping I'd get the chance to have a look at you."

"I was hoping I would get the chance to kill you," she says, her eyes burning with anger. Her hands are finding my eyes, thumbs going for my eyeballs, I lean back just enough to keep away.

"Are you angry with me or angry I caught you unawares and you are going to be unconscious in the next five minutes?" I ask, smiling knowingly.

"Presently? Both," she says, still struggling for good measure, "as well as angry I'm not going to get to kill you in the next five minutes."

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