Chapter 19--How to get put in the brig without really trying

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"The trains are delayed, do you want to go and run with your flight and come back and talk to us some more later?" the IA guy is trying to be very nice. I don't hate him nearly as much as I thought I would.

"Yes, I like running," I say, looking straight ahead.

"Your MTI tells me you like running, do you want to? You can just nod," he says.

I squeeze my eyes shut to stop from crying and nod my head, "Yes, I'd like to run."

"Okay, we'll walk you back so you can do the run with them," he says, "That way you won't miss any of your training."

"Thank you, did they tell my mum I'm okay?" I ask. I don't know why I bother. But I do.

"Do you want anything to eat? Just shake your head for me," he says, going to the door and opening it.

"No, no I'm not hungry," I say, shaking my head.

"Okay good," he says, he leads us down a hall. Wilde is waiting for me.

"Well?" she asks him.

"He's clearly traumatized at the mention of his brother, it's noted in his file that he's not able to talk about it. His mother is on his way, we'll see if she can help us question him," the IA guy says to her, "Just let him run and do combat with the others, then bring him back here. he seems to want to go."

"Yes, sir," she says, looking at me. I follow her, praying she doesn't ask me any questions. I never get what I want in life. I should know that by now.

"Thank you for helping us out, Leavitt," she says.

I have to try. "Yes, ma'am." she looks over sharply at me. she clearly doesn't hear anything. I nod. I think I'm crying. I can't get thrown out. I don't want to be even if it is hellish here. I can't. I'll go home and---and I don't know what. I don't know what I'll do.

"You all right, Leavitt?" she asks.

I nod vigorously.

"Okay, come on now," she says, a bit more gruffly. She sees something is clearly wrong with me but she doesn't know what.


"I'm going to come in dead last," Logan says.

"It's not a race," for anyone but me and Leavitt if they bring him back they'd better. I want to beat him this time.

"It's not a race for anyone but him and Leavitt, if they bring him back," Tom says. Now, you see why I love her? It's not just that she's the most gorgeous creature to walk the face of Kepler, or that I'm a hormonal teenager, but she really is honestly perfect for me. I truly deserve her and she knows it. if she has as un-polarized a moral compass as I, we'll conquer the universe together. As it is I may have to do it myself then convince her it's a good idea.

"I know, but I hate being last. And if I fail again, I might have to re-take training," he says, hanging his head.

"You'll do fine, just breath, ignore how much pain you're in and how sick you feel, and focus on the back of Titus' head, that's what I do," Tsegi says, kindly.

"Peter, you'll run well today," I say. he's acting really robotic. I'm thinking I really need to prompt him to do things he didn't eat this morning until I told him. hopefully brainwashing wears off or something, or I'll have to reverse it.

"Yes," he says, flatly. Damn. Card Theory of Brainwashing needs perfection apparently. I didn't give him any clear goals, I think that was the problem.

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