Chapter 19--Nothing to stop us now

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A knock on the door there's a knife in my pocket. This won't take long.

"Hello?" Aiden, Tess' little friend, leans his head out. He recognizes me. So he's not afraid to open the door.

"Is Tess here?" I ask, stepping in. The cameras in the corridor haven't been on for weeks. Tess is in class and this little boy is supposed to be in bed.

"No, she's got class," he says, stepping back, a little surprised that I came in but he's used to adults walking in his room really not a good thing, all monsters considered, but he's been raised like that. Tess hasn't I tell her not to let people in her room if those people are not me. Ironically that rule keeps her and only her safe.

"Shut the door," I say, walking around his room, looking at the toys. Similar to Tess', a few less books, a few more action figures and toys. Pictures of his dead parents.

"Why?" he asks, obeying anyway.

"So nobody can hear you scream," I say, turning around, the knife in my hand.


Somebody in the street hits me in the shoulder. I stop and turn, prepared to apologize.

"Hey, dude, what's your problem?" the man scoffs, turning around.

I study him, sizing him up. not too fat, lean, looks young no scent of smoke or alcohol, fit, with greasy hair means, the pelt will remain tender for a few days---

"Hey, I said what's your problem?" he asks, walking up and shoving my shoulders.

"You have no idea," I say, taking the knife from my pocket.


"Shh, don't turn on the lights," I say, closing the door behind me.

"Why not?" he asks. He's holding grocery bags. It's an admittedly odd request. It's still hours till they turn the lights out.

"I like it better in the dark," I whisper, latching the door don't need him getting out. I put my hand into my pocket, feeling for the knife.

"Why?" he asks, he sets the bags down then steps closer to me. good.

"It's easier to kill you," I say, pulling the knife out.


"You father screamed when he died as well," I say, letting the boy's body fall to the floor. His cheeks are wet with tears from crying as I stabbed him. His shirt is wet and warm with blood. I leave the knife. It's standard issue no need to take it. I tuck the cold blade into his hand. Let them think he did it to himself, that'll trouble them. I sigh, looking at the blood on my hands. It's a shame it's over so fast. Always over so fast. It's a shame the pleasure can't last longer. I need to torture somebody sometime. That would be enjoyable.

Disposing of bodies is also enjoyable but it also would mean a longer night. and Tess will be out of class soon. No, best to leave him here. alibi myself, and get Tess home to bed.


Turns out, rude but well kept dude had three rude but well kept friends.

"If you don't mind my asking, do any of you regularly smoke?" I ask, ducking as one aims a crow bar at my head.

"The fuck---what is with this dude?" the original says, trying to kick me. I dodge, waiting to go for a clean blow to the neck. I do dislike ruining more of the hide than is strictly necessary.

"You could be helpful about this---how often do you exercise?" I ask, twisting as I duck a blow from another one of them. I'll eat well for weeks at this rate.

"What---I'm not gonna answer you," the original guy says, running to ram me in the stomach. Now I manage to get my knife in his neck. Good. hot blood spills down us both. It's a shame to waste so much of it, but he's got two friends. I don't have to give up on a nice black pudding.


It's surprising how long they can bleed before they die. D comes at me again, blood is pouring now from his neck and wrist. He has a statue or something from the table and he's trying to hit me with it as well as just punching me in general. But his strength is waning. He won't be able to make it much longer not losing this much blood. I take one more swing at his neck, slicing again, but this time I feel myself hit the jugular. The hot blood sprays across my face and I relax, over now. he staggers, gurgling, before he finally falls.

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