Chapter 5--Free

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"We're not going to hurt you," I say, precisely two seconds before the little girl pins me against the wall. She's still wearing the bloody hospital robe, and the bandages are still on, making her look like a little horrific doll. She holds out one hand, pinning me in place. Blood begins to trickle from her mouth.

"We're not going to hurt you; I'm not forcing you to stay here. you can go if you like," I say, carefully, "I've just brought you here to keep you safe. You know they'll lock you up if they know you can do that."

"Doctor," she says, "The doctor knows."

"Dr. Lutz? Yes, she sent me to you," I say, "She's going to come and check on you. we only want you safe. We'll help you get home, if you like, where's your family?"

"Who's we?" she asks, still not letting go. Blood is running from her mouth and eyes now, as well as nose. It's hurting her to do this to me.

"We," I say, shaking my sleeve down on my left arm to reveal the tattoo on my wrist. A thin line with the word Vindicta froming a cross. "Help people."

She lowers her hand and I'm instantly released. I stagger a little. "Thank you," I say.

"Why didn't you turn me in?" she asks.

"We help people. I don't think you want to hurt anyone. I think you can, but then again, so can I," I say.

"Bad people?" she asks.

"Yes," I say.

"Like who did this to me?" she asks, looking at the bandages.

"Yes," I say, "Do you know who did it? Dr. Lutz says you said it was a doctor."

"He is," she says, "I don't know his name. but I know what he looks like."

"We can work off that," I say.

"You're really not going to take me back to the police?" she asks.

"No, I'm really not. I'll help you get home, who are your family?" I ask, "Surely they'll be worried about you. I only meant to kidnap you from the police, not from them."

"I don't have a home," she says, shaking her head.

"You have somebody you lived with," I say, frowning.

"No. I'm from an orphanage," she says.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"I'm not telling you," she says, wiping her mouth on the sleeve of the hospital gown.

"Okay," I say, shrugging, and running a hand through my hair, "I'll try to find some of my clothes you can fit in. you can stay here with me as long as you like."

"Why?" she asks.

"Because you can," I say.

"I'd have to stay hidden," she says.

"Not forever, I know there are other mutants loose, some I've heard live with the gypsies, some just disguise themselves in the cities, we'll work out something," I promise.

"Okay," she says, unwrapping the bandage on her wrist to look at the scar. "Am I really free to go?"

"Yeah," I say, "You're really free."


Tom lowers me into the cockpit, she's surprisingly strong because I'm about twice as big as her even if a good chunk of me is missing. But she lifts me with only a grunt, lowering me into the half crushed cockpit, still crusty and damp with my blood, my severed legs right where I left them mostly beneath the smashed metal, just bits of bone and skin sticking out. She looks at them as though aware of how bad this is but knowing full well we can't do anything about it. this is the best we've got to get us out of here.

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