Chapter 18

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Mikaela's P.O.V:

Today is Monday and I'm absolutely dreading it! Today we have to perform our scene in English to everyone in the class, which mean I have to kiss Louis, not just a peck, like a real kiss. I like Lou yes, but this is going to be awkward cause I may enjoy it too much, and it may ruin our friendship. I know Louis doesn't like me in that way, cause ya know, cause it's me..

Samantha's party would have to be a night we all will never forget. Everyone one is a couple, like a real couple where as me and Lou are still fake dating for that bet. I know I will win because I'm a pretty good actress if I do say so myself... I can always hide my feelings so no one knows I like Lou, well only Sam.... But I told her, so that doesn't count!

We're in Science right now, and we are doing a prac. It's in pairs so Me and Sam are in pairs since it's only me, and Samantha from the group in this class.

"So Sam, how did you like your party?" I ask.

"It was the best! It will be a night I don't think no one will forget" She winks nudging my arm. I start laughing and watch Sam do her part in the prac.

"So, you excited for English today" She chuckles. I give her a death stare and slap her arm playfully.

"No! I'm terrified! It's going to be the most embarassing thing ever!" I sigh.

"So have yous rehearsed the kiss when you practised your lines?" She asks.

"No we didn't.. Lou just said we will wing it and hope for the best.." I whisper.

"He so likes you.." Samantha smirks.

"He does not! He would never like me in that way, we are just friends and that's it..." I whisper/yell.

"He does! I can tell, the way he looks at you in a loving way, The way he catches a glimpse of you when your not looking, I'm not stupid Mik, I can tell when someone likes someone, well except you.... But I can see he loves you..." She sighs. I just roll my eyes and keep going with the prac.

ding ding ding

"FINALLY! I'm hungry!" I cheer washing all the test tubes out and putting them away while Samantha packs away the chemicals. She just laughs and we walk out to our usual seat together.

"Sup ladies!" Lou calls giving me a bone crushing hug.

"Lou...Can't...Breathe!.." I groan. He lets go and I gasp for air.

"Soz boz" He winks sitting back down next to Niall and Samantha who are sharing a pack of twisties.

"So.. You know all your lines for English next period?" He asks scratching the back of his neck like his..... nervous?

"Yeah, they are all memorized in my brain" I laughing pointing to my head smiling.

"What brain" He winks. I gasp and slap his arm playfully and start laughing. I turn to see Harry and Amy whispering to each other then smiling at me. I roll my eyes at them and go on with eating my sandwhich cause I know exactly what they are thinking.... About me and Lou...

"So Kira, how was the movies with Zayn yesterday" I ask her winking at her.

"It was good Bait is so creepy!, we watched half of the movies and the rest Zayn kept kissing me, but I wasn't complaining, and when the scary part came on, he would hold my hand and wrap me in a hug, it was pretty romantic" She giggles when Zayn leans in to kiss her nose.

I think I may be sick hanging around all these kissy and cuddly couples.....

We sit there laughing while Lou has an arm around my shoulder and we talk till the bell rings to tell us that we had English next.... Oh boy, here comes the butterflies..

Louis' P.O.V:

We are up next to perform our scene for English and I am so nervous right now! It seems that Mikaela is dreading this.. Probably worrying it will ruin our friendship, but it's only a kiss.... A kiss that I will never forget.

(A/N: I don't know exactly how the play goes, so I'll just make it up, sorry guiz :))

 Me: "Please Juliet, don't leave me, we are destined to be together" 

Mikaela: "We can't, Oh Romeo, my father won't approve and then he can kill you, I rather spend my days alone then knowing it was all my fault you risked your life to be with me"

Me: "I would die for you, We don't have to tell him, I can make you change your mind" I say stepping closer to her.

Mikaela: "And how do you think you can change my mind, I have made up my mind, no one can change it now, so how do you think you can?" She asks looking into my eys with tears in her eyes, wow she is a good actress..

Me: "Like this..."

I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her in and crash my lips onto hers. I feel all butterflies in my stomach of her lips touching mine. I feel electricity going through my veins of her touch. She wraps her arms around my neck and starts getting more comfortable with the kiss. This kiss is just magical, I don't ever want to pull away. Now my feelings for her are getting stronger. She pulls away and we look into each others eyes with our foreheads touching. We hear everyone stand up and clap loudly at our performance. We turn to the class and hold hands and bow to the class. We look at eachother smiling and we walk to our seats.

That has to be my favourite kiss ever. Her lips were so soft, and I gotta say, she is a pretty good kisser.. I couldn't honestly care less about this bet anymore! I think I've already lost because of that magical kiss. I've gotta tell her how I feel, even though it will cost me $100 and to mention how awesome she is in my graduation speech. I can't contain my feelings anymore, because I've never felt like this about another girl. Mikaela is special, and I've fallen inlove with her, and hard.

I have an idea how I'm going to do it....


So, what did you guys think? I think it's pretty good but that's my opinion, sorry if my chapters are getting shittier everytime, i really am sorry

WOW! 1,119 reads in about a week! thats absolutely incredible. I just wanna thank every single one of you for all your lovely comments and for reading my first ever fanfic

I love every single one of you, you are all just amazing! <3 <3

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