Chapter 11

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Louis' P.O.V:

It's Monday and ever since Friday night at Harry's bungalow, I've been thinking about Mikaela.

Should I tell her? Will she love me back? What happens if I told her she would get angry and then our friendship and my trust will be ruined?

"Lou!" Harry snaps his fingers infront of my face trying to get my attention. I blink a few times.


"Mr Dewinter has been trying to get your attention for the last 5 minutes..." He replies raising his eye brow.

"Oh.... sorry sir.." I apologise towards our English teacher. He simply nods and asks me to read the next paragraph about Shakespeare. Uh, I hate this shit! Why do we have to learn about this? Half of the stuff about him makes absolutely no sense at all.

"You right Lou?" I hear Mikaela behind me concerned.

"Yeah thanks MikPoo" I laugh.

"Your such a loser LouPoo" She giggles from behind, gosh I love her laugh.

"Now class, you will all be in pairs and have to act out a scene out from Romeo and Juliet"

"CAN I BE WITH MY BOOBEAR SIR!?" Harry cheers jumping onto the table, now the whole class is in hysterics and Me, Mikaela, Samantha and Niall are rolling on the floor pissing ourselves, litterally!

"Harry! Get off the table at once!" Mr Dewinter yells at Harry's sudden outburst. "And no you can't be with another boy, you have to be in boy girl groups!" Harry fake cries and I hug him.

"Don't worry Haz, nothing will become between us!" Harry then gives me his cheeky grin.

"I love you BooBear.." Harry whispers.

"Love you too HazBear" I wink.

"OH MY GOD GET A ROOM!" Samantha and Mikaela yell, then laughing from behind us.

"You can't talk Sam, you and Niall are making out every 10 seconds and making babies with eachother at lunch..." Harry always has great comebacks.

Samantha and Niall go bright red and Me, Mikaela and Harry are pissing ourselves.

"One more interuption from you lot and I'll have to keep you all back at lunchtime tomorrow!" The teacher yells.

"Sorry Sir" we all say in sync.

"Now, I'm going to be nice and let you all pick your partners, but do it in a oderly fashion!" Mr Dewinter says. We all jump out of our seats and pick our partners. Niall and Samantha are ofcoarse together, Harry has picked this blonde cake face chick, I think her name is Stephine or something?..

"Would you Miss Mikaela Clarke be my partner for this Shakespeare nonsense project?" I ask Mikaela in my best posh voice. She giggles and blushes, shes so adorable!

"I would be honoured to Sir Louis Tomlinson" She says in a posh voice, I bow to her and She does a cute little curtsy and we skipped to the front of the class to put our names on the list.

"I will assign you with your scenes next lesson" Mr Dewinter says as the bell rang and we all run out of the school gates to get home.

"See ya Mik and Sam" I wave to the girls.

"Bye Lou! Bye boys!" They wave to us after Samantha and Niall gave eachother a kiss goodbye, TOLD YA THEY DO BABY MAKING IN PUBLIC!

We were walking the opposite direction till we heard ear peircing. We snapped our heads to where the scream came from, we see nothing, just a black van speeding off and coming to a hault beside us, All I remember is 3 big buff guys grabbing us and getting hit over the head with something hard then seeing Mikaela, Sam and all the boys unconcious then everything went black.


CLIFFHANGER MOTHER HULKERS! Who could of kidnapped the girls and the boys?

Mikaela's Dad?

Eleanor ?


you'll find out next chapter, so sorry for not updating yesterday!

Smile, cause you are all beautiful!

comment what you think and remember to vote!

Love you chickas <3

p.s: sorry if my chapters are really short! just remember i am really bad at being creative and writing fanfictions/stories

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