Chapter 13

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Mikaela's P.O.V:

Woah... where the hell am I!? I look around and notice I'm in the backseat of some car. I try to sit up but my arms and legs are tied and I still feel dizzy. 

"Fucking cops..." I hear Garry curse in the front seat. I eventually sit up and see he is driving like a fucking maniac.

"GARRY! SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!" I scream. I'm scared as hell, I don't want to die!

"Shut up bitch! if your dumb friends didn't call the cops I wouldn't be driving like this!" He yells.

"Where are we going anyway!?"

"Railway track."


"NO MORE QUESTIONS! YOU HAVE HEARD TOO MUCH" He screams going throw a red light and the side my legs are laying gets hit, but misses my litterally centimetres of breaking my legs. Garry goes on driving like a lunatic.

"Sir, I ask you to pull over or you will have to face the consequences" I hear a cop behind us say in a mega phone thingy.

"Pfft, as if I'll give in that easily! fucking pigs." Garry smirks quickly making a right turn. I nearly roll off the seat but I balance myself just in time.

"Garry just fucking stop! Before they start-" I was cut off by a gun shot hitting the back window. I scream and cover my ears and try to get as low as I can to not get shot. A few more gunshots go through the window but not  hitting Garry.

We slow down and come to a stop after 20 minutes of gun shots. I look up where we are and we are in the middle of a railway track. Oh no.... I know exactly what he's doing, he is trying to kill us both by getting hit by a train!

"GARRY, ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!?" I scream while crying.

no response.

That's weird... he always comes back with a smartarse comment after I scream or yell at him, or even if I cry. I sit up and look at Garry. Oh my god....

Hes dead. A gunshot hit him in the neck and he has his head resting on the steering wheel bleeding to death.

I'm doomed now.

Louis' P.O.V:

"WHERE ARE THEY NOW!?" I scream from the back of the cop car.

"Louis, we will find them, I promise" Harry says looking me in the eyes and I feel a hand on my back. I turn and see Zayn rubbing my back and smiling.

"Everything will work out Lou, I promise" Zayn smiles. I smiling back and rest my head on his shoulder. We suddenly come to a hault.

"What's up officer?" Harry asks.

"I found them, over there!" One policemen says. I look up and see the car in the middle of a railway track. Oh no....

"WE NEED TO GET HER OUT OF THERE!" I scream getting out of the car and running towards the car.

"LOUIS GET BACK HERE!" Harry and Zayn screams, but I ignore them, I have to save her!

"SOMEONE HELP!" I hear her scream, oh thank god she's alive!

"MIKAELAA!!!" I scream still running towards the car.

"LOUIS! GET ME OUT OF HERE! GARRY GOT SHOT AND IS DEAD!" She cries. He's dead?..... This may seem mean but THANK GOD!

I get to the door and try to open it. Fuck it's locked!

"Mikaela! Unlock the door!, it's locked!"

"I sorta can't, I'm kinda tied up here...." She sobs. Well I have to do this the hard way.

"Quickly move, I'm going to smash the-" I'm cut off by a dinging noise, I turn and see the gates close, A trains coming, I need to get her out of here AND FAST!

"QUICK MIK, MOVE!" I scream. She moves to the side and I punch the window and smash the glass. Ow fuck! glass got into my knuckles, Oh well I'll live. I unlock the door and climb in the back seat and quickly untie the ropes.

"Thank you so much Lou!" She cries. She still has my belt around her arm and the bleeding has stopped in her arm. She has dried blood on her arm where it bleed and ran down her arm.

"We have to get out of here before this train comes!" I say grabbing her hand, the arm that isn't cut and we run off the track and dive to road out of the train's way.


I turn and see that the train has come and it hit the car. Just in time!

"Lo-ou!" Mikaela sobs. I get up and grab her hand and lift her up. She gets up and pulls me in a embrace and sobs into my shoulder.

"Shhh.... It's okay Mik, we're safe now, Garry is gone, he can't hurt you anymore" I rub her back while still hugging her. Wow I have saved her twice now! I'M SUPPEEERRMAAAAN!

"Th-thank yo-u Lou-u, don't th-think I could-d live-e withou-out you-u" She cries hugging me tighter. She winces in pain and lets go and looks at her arm. She looks like she's going to faint at the sight of all that blood.

"LOUIS! MIKAELA!" I hear Harry and Zayn running towards us and hugging us, making sure we don't touch her arm.

"Guys..... can't breathe...." She chuckles. He let go of her quickly and hear sirens coming. Another 2 cop cars have arrived and 2 ambulances have arrived, one coming to us, one going to the car Garry and Mikaela were in.

Mikaela's P.O.V:

I'm standing with the boys and I'm starting to feel dizzy again. I hug Louis again.


"Yes Mikaela?"

"Please never leave me..." I sob.

"I'll never leave you Mikaela, I promise.." 

Suddenly I feel my knees go weak and everything goes black.


What did you guys think? Garry dead, YAAAY! sorry if this chapter sucked...... but fuck da haters! hehe, I'm still waiting for 3 girls to be in the story in a few chapters, for details go to the bottom of chapter 12. I just wanna say a massive thank you to everyone for reading this! i cant believe how many people have read this!

Love you my chickas, smile cause your beautiful <3

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