Chapter 3

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Louis' P.O.V:

"A bet huh....." Mikaela looks at me with an evil grin. Oh no, no no no, I think I have an idea what she is thinking, and I am not doing it! no way, no way in hell !

"I was joking.. ha ha.. I would never fake date you, that's disgusting!" I snapped, earning me a kick in the leg under the table from Niall. I shoot him a look, and he shoots one back. I know him and her are friends, doesn't mean I have to be friends with her!

"Pussy..." she mumbled, probably trying not to let me hear, but I heard her loud and clear.

"I am not a pussy.." I replied to her, she gave me a you-sure-about-that look, uh, this girl gets on my nerves !

"Fine, whats the bet?.." I sighed. She then smiles that goes to one ear to the other, wow those braces definitely worked! well duh Louis, that's what braces do? dickhead..

"Okay, We have to fake date until we graduate at the end of the year and whoever falls inlove with the other the quickest, they get $100 and have to say how amazing the other person is in their graduation speech.." At this stage, everyone was staring at Mikaela, including Samantha like she was loosing her mind, after she finished they all stared at me waiting for my reply.

"Fine.. But on one condition.." I reply. She nods for me to go on "We have to be all lovey dovey.. and meet each other's parents" I then give her a evil grin. Her jaw drops at my condition then starts to get teary. She then runs off and Samantha runs after her, did I say something?

Mikaela's P.O.V:

No, no no no no, he can't meet my father! and he doesn't know my mother died when I was 10, but he can't meet my father, he just can't!

"MIKAELA! WAIT UP!!" I hear Samantha running and screaming behind me, since there is no use running, I stop and wait for her to catch up, she knows my mother died 7 years ago, but she doesn't know about my father, i can't tell anyone, they will think of me differently, I can see it now! As soon as she catches up, she grabs me and brings be into a Bailey Embrace, yes, i named her hugs, cause they are the best hugs ever! Niall has hugged me once, because he saw me crying at the field from what Louis was doing to me, and since Samantha was away, we hung out at school and he cheered me up, and I gotta say, his famous Horan Hugs are the best! 

"He-e c-can-t mee-et da-ad, and and, he-e does-nt kno-ow ab-out m-m-mum!" i sobbed into her chest, I feel really bad cause her sweater will be sooked of my tears, but right now, I just need a hug..

"Shhhhh Mik, Its OK, I'm here for you, everything will be OK, i promise.. your father cant be that bad can he?" he seemed concerned, poor sambam, I must look like a complete mess and sound like I'm crazy or something.. 

After about 10 minutes of crying, me and Sam walked to the field and sat under the tree we usually do to talk about things.

"Mikaela?" She asked, I looked at her to say I was listening, "Why don't you want Lou to meet your dad, I mean, I never get why you don't let anyone go over your house not even me?.." My heart dropped when she said that. I felt terrible that I never go over, and we always have her sleepovers at her house, I had a feeling she would ask sooner or later, but I wish it was later.. I thought about if I should tell her or not about how my dad has beaten me for 5 years.. Then she would treat me differently, like all sorry for me and shit, and that can't happen.... Well she is going to find out someday..

"Promise you won't tell anyone, and I mean anyone!! cross your heart hope to die, stick needles in your eyes?!" I sigh. She nods but has a scared/concerned face. I take a deep breathe and tell her every single detail, from the days he became an alcoholic to the days he started beating me. By the end of it, I could not say another word, she quickly jumped up and gave me a bear hug and rubbed my back. She didn't say anything, she just sat there listening to everything I had to say, that's why I love her, she can be the biggest weirdo most of the times, but when we have to be mature, we do so. After she let go, she looked at me and I noticed she had tears in her eyes.

"No one deserves to go through this, no one, especially you, you are beautiful no matter what anyone says, maybe when you take Louis there, he will act nicely so he doesn't blow his cover, but I want you to know I'm here when ever, 24/7 and I mean, you can move in with me and my parents if you like, and we can adopt you, just say that your dad kicked you out or something, I'm scared that he will do worse to you one day, that could even kill you, I can't loose you Mik, I cant.." by now we were both hugging and crying together. About 10 minutes later when I could cry no more, I looked in her eyes and took in a deep breathe.

"That means so much to me Sam, I mean, but I couldn't move with you, I have yelled at dad and said I'm moving out, but he wont let me, not till I'm 18, which is next February.. He said if I ever ran away, he would hunt me down and do worse to me... I'm-I'm sorry Sam, I would if I could.." I sigh, she looks into my eyes and nods. We then walk to the bathroom and clean our faces off considering we looked like shit from all the crying. We walked back to our table where the boys were still sitting there talking. When we walked up to them, they all looked at us as we sat down, Niall gives me and Sam a look to ask whats wrong, I look at Samantha she nods, then tells Niall not to worry about it. After about 5 minutes of awkward silence, GAY BABY'S BORN! sorry had to say it...., Louis speaks up.

"So, Mik? we have a deal?" Lou asks. I look at Sam, she gives me a look to ask if I'm sure about this, I nod and then look at Lou. I stick my hand out to him.

"Deal." I fake smiled. He smirks then holds out his hand and shakes my hand. He then gets up and sits next to me and put an arm around my shoulder. I wince of the pain that my father caused, He quickly swings his arm back and gives me an apologetic look. I look at him saying it's okay, he puts his arm around my shoulder again, thankfully more gentle and gets his phone out and changes his relationship status on facebook. I soon go on facebook and accept the relationship status and stick my phone back in my pocket. 

Oh lord, what have I got myself into......


Chapter 3 there you go chickas! 3 updates in one night wow, you proud of me? he he I bet you are ;) what do you think of it so far? please, comment below and vote !

Remember, you are all beautiful ! <3

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