// s e v e n t e e n //

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:: chapter seventeen ::

Dara was biting her lips as she was tapping her pencil on the table trying to focus at the meeting she was currently into with her boyfriend fiddling with her hands under the table. The festival was nearing and in order to prepare for it a meeting inside the student council headquarters was being held every day; and today is no exception. Dara stole a glance at Jiyong mentally telling him to stop playing with her hand since she can’t focus on the meeting. But the guy was so busy playing with her hand as he pressed each fingers of her like he was playing a piano that he failed to notice her glancing him. Don’t get it wrong but Jiyong was never a part of the student council nor the committee assigned on this task, he was there because he wanted to and to make sure that they never overwork her which was never good for her.

Dara rolled her eyes as she gave up giving him a warning since she was pretty enjoying what he was doing as well. She bit her lips trying to suppress a giddy smile form spreading on her lips. ‘Park,’ the student council president called her as she jerked up and pull her hand away from Jiyong making the lad grimace as he threw a death glare on the student council president. He was pretty much enjoying himself then he will just barged in he can’t even get why Dara was helping him anyways. Jaejoong, the student council president, smiled at Dara as he pushed his glasses in place. ‘If it is okay with you I’ll be assigning you on the stage... you’ll be the team leader for that. Your team will be assign for the stage set up, instruments, performance, sound system and everything about the stage,’ he said in a businessman like manner. Jiyong grimaced. ‘Why don’t you do that yourself,’ he remarked coldly as Dara glanced at Jiyong who just shrugged. There was a weird silence hanging in the room as the officers glance back and forth at Jiyong and Jaejoong. ‘It’s too much you know,’ he defended himself while stating a fact. Jaejoong faked a cough. ‘Okay I’ll—‘

‘No, it’s okay I was really planning to volunteer for the stage team. I’m glad that’s what you assign for me,’ Dara said smiling at him as he grew red making Jiyong groan as he rolled his eyes. ‘Ji,’ Dara muttered as Jiyong smiled innocently at her. ‘Yes, baby?’ he asked as Dara lightly shook her head while chuckling softly. Sometimes he could be really childish but adorable at the same time. Dara stood up. ‘I’ll be checking the needed things now,’ she bowed down to Jaejoong as the latter did the same. ‘Thank you so much for your work Park-sshi,’ he said in thanks as he handed her the folder she will need. ‘No problem, anything for you,’ Dara replied making him blush red again as Jiyong held Dara’s hand while seemingly throwing another tantrums, he was being all jealous right now with no means. The other members just snorted suppressing their laugh at what they were seeing in the school’s former bad boy who was being all childish right now.

‘We have to go before he does something ...,’ Dara said smiling as she slowly dropped her gaze at Jiyong who was staring back at her with a proud smile on his lips, knowing he won in the battle that never did start. ‘Adorable,’ Dara giggled as they both paced out of the room.

 Dara stopped on her tracks as she turned her body facing him. Dara smiled as she tiptoed and planted a small kiss on his lips. ‘Why are you so adorable when you’re jealous,’ she whispered smiling. Jiyong rolled his eyes. ‘I’m not jealous,’ he hissed. Dara crossed her arms on her chest. ‘Really?’ she asked slitting her eyes on him. Jiyong let go a deep breath before his lips curved into a smile. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer to him. ‘Fine, I’m jealous,’ he admitted kissing her hair. Dara laughed as they both started walking again.

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