// t e n //

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:: chapter ten ::

Dara and Jiyong were the last ones to board the bus, Jiyong gently placed his hands on Dara’s waist and lifted her a bit so she can climb the bus. There was clearly no need for that, it wasn’t really high but then his hands just moved on its own wanting to make things easier for her. She smiled at him as she then walked inside the bus with him trailing behind her. Dara smiled as she took the seat beside the window with Jiyong sitting beside her. She was excited beyond words and she could feel her heart was about to thump its way out of her chest. Everything will be first time for her. Riding a bus, camping, and most of all doing it all with him.

Jiyong then wrapped his arms around her and pulled himself closer to her as the bus sped off. Dara was looking outside the window admiring the sceneries while Jiyong was watching it with her. She would excitedly point out something and asked him about it like a child, full of nothing but innocence. Dara stared at Jiyong for a while he was wearing the beanie she gave and that made her happy. In seconds Jiyong finally noticed her stares that just won’t leave him. He lightly pinched her nose and made her look outside the window. She pouted a bit but followed him none the less. Then her eyes grew wider as she witnessed the beautiful beach for the first time.

She pointed the beach to Jiyong who nodded at her. She then touched her palm on the window as if she was touching the shore, feeling the sea and its waves, feeling the sand and its every grain. Jiyong leaned closer to her as their bodies touched. He then rested his chin on her shoulder. ‘Let’s go there some other time,’ he whispered as his breath brushed in her neck and ears, making her hair stand out as shivers ran down her spine. It was a weird sensation but was overpowered by happiness none the less. ‘Promise?’ she asked as she faced him. He nodded. ‘Promise.’ he said staring straight at her brown beautiful eyes. She threw her arms around him as she pulled him closer with him wrapping his arms around her. ‘Thank you,’ she whispered, head buried in the crook of his neck.

He could feel her breath as it lingered on his skin, he could feel her warmth as her body pressed on his. And for the first time in his life he wanted to be selfish. He wanted to keep her, he wanted to stay in her arms forever and he wanted to hold her close through that non-existing eternity. She slowly distanced herself to him as he held her hand and laced her fingers with his. She smiled as giddiness crawled its way to her heart. She bit her lips controlling her smiles.

‘I’m quite hungry,’ she mumbled as she scratched her head upon remembering she was too excited that she barely touched her breakfast. She heaved a sigh as her lips curved into a tiny pout. Jiyong stared at her for a moment, couldn't comprehend how cute she looked right now. He then let go of her hand which made her turn her head to him. He stood up and grabbed his bag then he sat back down. Dara looked at him, contemplating what he was doing. Jiyong opened his bag and grabbed a sandwhich and hand it to her. Dara stared at his eyes for a long time as if she was trying to decipher everything in her mind. Jiyong rolled his eyes. Dara let out a chuckle as she accepted the sandwhich. ‘Thanks,’ she smiled at him as he nodded stood up and placed his bag back.

Dara opened the sandwhich as she took a bite from it. Jiyong sat back beside her as she moved the sandwhich close to his mouth. He then took a bite from it. Dara then snuggled closer to him as he wrapped his arm around her. Again lost in their own world.

It took them almost 4 hours before arriving at the camp and all throughout the bus ride, every eyes and attention were on Dara and Jiyong. They were secretly watching the two as they looked at the scenery outside the widow, as they eat, they talk and even when both fell asleep at each other’s arms. It was a beautiful sight, a fascinating one. Something that can really snatch your attention, something that will give warmth to your heart. No matter what they do, they knew they don’t know Jiyong, the only thing they got about him was what they see in him. They knew he was violent, he was rude, fearless and cold beyond words. But just seeing a guy like him warm up with an innocent girl, hold her like she’s going to break was something that words could never describe. It was something that your heart will flutter, something admirable, and something always worth looking at.

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