Chapter Thirty-Nine.

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Charlotte climbed out of the car and walked around to the passenger side to wait for Ben to get out. "Are you sure you're ok to be coming back?" She asked as he climbed out.

"Yes! I've not been here for three bloody weeks! Its not fair on Steve. Plus, I'm going crazy being stuck at home. Come on Bonny." Closing the door behind her and putting her lead on.

"Can't believe you've brought her to work." She shook her head as she locked the car and started towards the main entrance.

"It's not like I can actually work out in the yard like normal, Ste is having to cover that. It's only fair if I do his admin as well as my own. She can keep me company in the office. Your mum said she'll watch her from tomorrow, said she had to do something today." He smiled at her. As they walked in the door Steve was stood by the reception desk talking to Courtney and Stuart.

"I'll see you later." Charlotte whispered as she rushed past the trio, going in her office and closing the door.

Shaking his head as him and Bonny walked towards the group. "Oh my god! A puppy! Shes so cute!" Courtney said as she crouched down to fuss her.

"She sure is." He said avoiding Steves awkward gaze.

"Oh my god your face! Your arm!" She stood up from the dog and took his face in her hands. "What happened to you?" She asked.

Shocked by the sudden and in his opinion inappropriate contact, his eyes went wide and took a step back from her grip and frowned. "I'm going to go get started on what's fallen behind. I'll do your stuff for you too Ste because of not being able to help outside." Ste nodded. "Stu, hope there hasn't been any problems while I've been gone." He asked the yard supervisor.

"Nothing I've not been able to sort with Ste's help. Hope you're ok mate." He asked.

"I'll be fine. I'm gunna go crack on. Come on Bonny." He gave her lead a slight tug and headed to the office.

"What happened to him?" Courtney asked Steve,

"I'm sure he would have told you when you asked him, if he'd wanted you to know Court." He said before looking to Stu "Come on mate, lets go get this show on the road." He headed towards the mill doors.

"See you later beautiful." Stuart said as he kissed Courtneys cheek.

"See you later." She smiled at him as she headed to her desk.


Charlotte walked in to Ben and Steves office at lunch time carrying two lunch bags from the canteen. Ben sat at his desk, face screwed up and rubbing his temples.

"Hey, are you ok?" She asked as she walked over to him, placing the bags on the desk and turning his chair towards her and took his face in her hands.

"Just got a bit of a head ache coming on, I'll be alright, especially now you're here." He smiled and pulled her on to his lap.

"Ben..." She frowned at him, stroking his face before running her fingers through his hair.

"Honestly, I'll be fine. I think its just because I've been looking at the computer all morning." He tells her as he leans forward to give her a kiss. "I'll take some paracetamol after I've eaten. What did you get me?" He looked over her shoulder at the paper bags on his desk.

"Tuna mayo on granary and some veggie sticks."

"Ugh! You're winding me up right?" He looked at her horrified making her laugh.

"Of course, I am! Got you a BLT on wholemeal." She says as he grabs for a bag.

"Quavers! Bottle of water!" He looked inside. "Told you, you were perfect!" Laughing at him she went to stand up but he held her in place. "You can stay right there! I've not seen you since we got here."

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