Chapter Six.

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Ellie and Tash arrive just before one oclock and head to Charlottes office.

"Want to eat outside today? Its lovely and warm." Ellie smiled.

"Yeah, sure. Lets go." Charlotte smiled at the pair.

They walk outside following behind Tasha who stops them mid stride. "Is Ben working back here now?" She asked causing Charlotte to look up and see him sat with Courtney.

"Yeah. His first day." She says as she walked around her sister and sister in law to go find a table at the other side of the courtyard.

"Five says she still fancies him!" Tash whispered in Ellies ear.

"Ten and a bottle of wine says he still fancies her!" Ellie whispered as they saw his attention leave Courtney and find its way to their sister.

Sitting at the table with Charlotte, Ellie took out the details of the house she mentioned to show her sister. "When did he start back?" She casually asked.

"This morning, he came in on Friday. Will told him we were needing an extra set of hands." She says blasé tone as she tries to discreetly look in his direction and see if hes still with Courtney, only when her eyes find him, hes looking directly at her and not paying any attention to whatever it is shes telling him. Blushing she quickly looks away, oblivious to the fact Ellie saw it all.

"I bet he'll be glad once the divorce is over with." Tasha said as she picked at her pasta salad.

"Thanks for the heads up on that by the way! Why didn't anyone tell me?" Charlotte asked.

"Thought you knew...What happened?" Tasha frowned.

"I bloody asked him how she was! Thats what happened!"

"Sorry. Just thought you would have known. I'd have told you otherwise."

"He wasnt pissed at you for asking was he?" Ellie asked her before biting in to her sandwich.

"No, not in the slightest. I just felt like an idiot, thats all!" She said risking another look at him to see he was no longer sat by the young blonde.

"Ladies!" He said startling her slightly as he sat down opposite her. "How are we all?" He asked as he leant over the table and took one of Charlottes chips, dunked it in her ketchup before popping it on his mouth.

"We're good thanks handsome, how about you?" Ellie asked, watching him go to take a second chip but Charlotte swatted his hand out of the way.

"Hey! Get your own!" She said as she moved her plate further away causing him to pout.

"I'm good thanks." He smiled and made to grab another.

"Seriously! Get your own!" She said slapping his hand this time. Both oblivious to the pair next to them watching.

"Too many of them are bad for you, look at it like I'm doing you a favour!" He laughed.

"Are you saying I need to go on a diet?" Charlotte let out an over exaggerated gasp.

"That's my queue to go find Ste!" Tasha got up and left the soon to be bickering pair.

"What? No! Fuck! No!" He said in a desperate attempt to not upset her.

"Aaand I'm going to go see Dad! See ya!" Running off to catch up with Tasha.

"You're perfect the way you are!" He gave her a small smile.

"I wouldnt go that far!" She says moving her plate to the middle of the table before tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "But, thank you." She blushed for the second time today. Cussing at herself for letting him have the ability to make her blush like an awkward teen.

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