Epilogue | Year One

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Epilogue­ | Year One



The night before the wedding, Tris came out of her shell. She seems different, almost happier than she was before. I think she finally realized that we are starting fresh; that we are not living the same troubled life as before. Tris overcame her depression three months ago, and has been herself ever sense.

I understand the pain she felt, that night almost four months ago, and I will do anything to prevent it from happening again. I will always be there for her, no matter what.


It is the night. The night of my, our, wedding. I stand, dressed in an all-white tuxedo, in a clearing in the Amity orchards. Twenty or so chairs sit in front of me, occupied with our friends; Christina, Cara, Zeke, George Wu, Mathew, and a few others I cannot recognize.

The trees of the orchard are full of life now; pink flowers bloom in the sunlight. The grass is alive and green, with few leaves and flowers amongst the blades of grass.

I am distracted by the surrounding nature, and get lost in thoughts. Then I see a glimpse of her behind the trees. The love of my life. She appears from my right, and she walks slowly down the center aisle between the chairs. Her dress is short and lacy, but stunning. In her hand, she holds a bouquet of seven white roses.

Everyone in the crowd rises, but no music plays. Nothing but the sound of the birds and the wind rustling through trees is audible as she walks forward.

Tris smiles as she approaches me, and slightly bites her lip.

I grab her hand, and lead her into an embrace. I love you.

She smiles. I love you too.

Tris hands me one of her roses, and I gladly take it, symbolizing that she conquered her fear. Everyone smiles, and sits back down in the chairs.

I look at her, and give her a gentle kiss on her forehead as a man dressed in black approaches us, with a black book in hand. As he speaks, his words blur together, and I hear nothing. My attention is fully on Tris, but she looks forward toward the priest, unaware of my gaze. The blue of her irises sparkle and remind me of the water of the chasm; a striking mystery to dive into.

Her eyes are so stern, so insistent.


(A/N): It isn't over yet :) There is more to come

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