Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen



We arrive at City Hall, no more than five minutes later. We stop at the edge of the parking lot. Red letters, in blood or paint I can't tell, are splattered across the front of the columns and walls.

"There will be blood," Christina reads. "Free us."

I lock my gun and hold it to my side. Three guards stand on the cracked steps near the door. We can't shoot them, or the people inside will know we are here. I put the gun in Tobias's hand.

"Hold this," I say. Christina and George move out of the way, but Tobias grabs ahold of my arm.

"Tris! What are you doing?" He whispers. I pull away from him and take out a knife.

"I got a plan," I say as I run off. The first guard notices me as I reach the bottom of the monstrous steps. He shouts at the other two guards and they walk to the edge. I run up the first three steps then throw the knife in my hand. It lands in the leg of the first guard and he falls to the ground. The other two jump down, trying to block me from the entrance.

As the first one approaches, I think of what Tobias taught me during initiation. I elbow his throat, causing him to choke. Bringing up my knees, I whack him in his chest and elbow him in the face. He tumbles down the steps and slams his head on the concrete.

The other guard runs toward me and grabs my arms. I pull them upward, and his arms follow, opening his chest. I kick his vulnerable chest and spin around as his grasp loosens, and strike him in the groin. He sinks to his knees and passes out on the floor.

I turn back to Tobias, Christina and George on the street, with a grin on my face. Their mouths drop in amazement. Suddenly, I hear footsteps to my left, and I draw the knife from the first guard's leg.

Evelyn comes from the side of the building, with Zeke and her guard, Zach who I vaguely remember from Dauntless, not far behind. She looks to the men at my feet and laughs. "You did this?"

I smile and put the knife in my pocket. "Maybe," I reply. She smiles and turns as Tobias and the other two approach.

"Where's Amar?" She asks, noticing he isn't with us. George's face darkens, and he stares at the floor.

"He was shot back on the street," Christina says. "By the time we got to him, it was too


Evelyn sighs. "He was a great intelligent man." She pauses and sighs. "Now, we need to move quickly," she says. "Tris, Christina, and George come with me. Zach, Zeke and Tobias, I have a plan. And it might just save our lives."

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