Chapter 5

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Chapter Five




Rain pours from the dark sky above and splatters on the cold concrete as we sit outside, all dressed in black, surrounding an empty casket. Tris sits beside me, her face buried in my shoulder, and she cries. Christina, Cara, Amar, George, Zeke and his family, decided all to support Tris and attend the funeral for her brother, Caleb.

There are no pictures of him anywhere; pictures are not taken in Abnegation, and all the files from the main server from Erudite were wiped along with false lies and memories.

The Priest, who used to be Abnegation before the Divide, stands in front of us all, Bible in hand. I never understood the concept of religion, but it intrigued me. Someone who is everywhere, watching, listening. I know the Prior's were very religious; I wonder if Tris can tell me more about God.

My vision starts to blur out as my attention fades, and all I notice is the sound of pouring rain and Tris with her head placed on my shoulder. It almost feels as if she is sleeping, she is so still.

I can't imagine loosing your whole family, everyone you love. Her mother. A Sacrifice for her. Her father. For her. Her brother. For her.

Caleb's ashes sit on the side of the empty casket on a small metal stand. I think of when I was young, sitting through my mother's funeral. Her ashes in a glass container, that collected dust on the fireplace mantel for years, until I found out everything was a lie.

Her glass sculpture she gave me comes to mind. The only thing that meant something to me in my past life. It did more than just look unique. It gave me hope, hope for new beginnings. Hope for a better life in the future. Hope for someone to actually love me......

My focus returns and I become aware of Tris staring up at me, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I've lost all my family, Tobias. No one is left," she whispers as a tear rolls down her cheek.

I look down at her, and gently raise her chin.

"Remember what I said to you, on the train to Amity?" I say.

Her eyebrows fold, creating a puzzled look.

"I'll be your family now, Tris. I will be your family, forever. No matter what happens. I'm yours. Nothing can separate us."

Her eyes gleam into mine, and a soft smile forms. She puts her forehead on my shoulder. I take my hand from my jacket pocket and gently hold the top of her head.

I look back towards the crowd behind me. George and Amar sit awfully close. Zeke and the remaining members of his family huddle together with a black umbrella over them. The little girls cry, but Zeke holds them, and they stop whimpering. Then, I notice Peter is here, well if you could even call him Peter. After he lost all of his memories, Christina and I told him what happened before, but left out the horrible stuff he did to others. However, we did tell him he has done some wrong things, but he agrees that he isn't ready to be told yet.

As my gaze moves from person to person, scanning over all of Caleb's friends from Erudite, I see a small movement in the corner of my eye. Just behind the crowd of standing people in Erudite clothes carrying black umbrellas, I see my mother, with her hair loosely hanging past her shoulders.

She needs to talk to me. Some part of me wants to turn away and forget about it. The hurt side of me wants nothing to do with her. Yet, the other side wants to be with her. She chose me over a war. She stopped it for me. She gave up power for me.

I return my gaze back to the Priest as he says his finishing sentences. Everyone rises slowly, walking out row by row from the section of the park.

I grab ahold of Tris's hand. She wipes tears with her other hand and nods.

"Tris, I'll be right back. You go talk with people and I promise I'll be back in a few minutes. Okay?"

She looks up at me, and I can tell that she is desperate for love right now. I bend over and kiss her.

"Okay." She whispers.

I let go of her hand and walk through the crowd, towards my mother.


"What are you doing?" I ask.

She pulls me aside, behind a tree, and flattens her grey dress.

"I know we just talked two days ago, about what is happening with Chicago." She bites her lip then places a hand on my cheek. "You are such a handsome man, Tobias. You look like your father," this stings. "But before he- he turned." She pauses and sighs. "Anyways, I wanted to update you."

"What is it?" I ask curiously.

"As you know, the Divide was issued two weeks ago. The Divide's law states that 'Any remaining groups or people of the Factions have the choice to live freely within the city or outside Chicago's border. People may return and leave as they please, but people of the Fringe are not allowed to take home in the city.'" My mother looks down at her feet, then back up at me.

"This is all stuff I already know. The Divide frees any and everyone from the Faction system, allowing them to continue their lives in their Faction headquarters, within the city, or in the New State," I reply.

"Listen Tobias. People in the city have elected representatives for creating a new government. One where no one is forced to live one way, and where everyone can live freely and vote. Those people and I met this morning. After two hours of talking, an agreement was made. The representatives have created a croup called the Convergent. The Convergent will help decide on laws, and change society for the better." Evelyn stares at me again.

"What does this have to do with me?" I ask.

"The council of the Convergent wanted to know if you would be their leader."

My heart freezes. Me being head of a group, restoring and changing our city? And running a new system of peaceful government?

"Shouldn't someone from Candor or Abnegation be doing that? I mean, I was only a computer guy!" I say irately.

"Tobias, you were elected by the council. They believe that you can lead us. That you have a bigger calling." She puts her hands on my shoulders. "They believe that you can lead, and that you are smarter than you think you are. You are still welcome to leave and return to the city, but these people have faith that you can change us. Us meaning our shattered society."

I don't say anything. She senses that I am shocked. I have no idea what to say. For some reason, I can't picture me being head of a new government.

"I.... I need time. To... to think," I finally reply. She slowly nods. "I mean, I was hoping to start a new life. A new life with Tris. Settle down and have kids. I don't know. This wasn't what I was expecting or hoping for."

"I understand this isn't what you wanted. If you do not think this is the job for you, it's okay, Tobias. I just want you to think about it." I nod. I then and start to stride away when she calls me again. "Just remember that we trust in you, Tobias. Make your decision wisely. I love you, no matter what."

I turn my head, peeking over my wet shoulder. Rain drips from my hair and soaks my Dauntless jacket. "I love you too."

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