Chapter 3

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Chapter Three



I am standing on top of the building, the other initiates behind me. My hair whips in my face, as I pull my sweatshirt off and throw it at Peter. My feet step foreword and I'm in the air, plummeting downward like a rock. My hands fly upwards, reaching for something to catch onto.

I don't hit the net. There is nothing to save me. No net. No Tobias.

The building where I jumped off mere seconds ago is only a speck of light high above.

I am falling in complete darkness. I don't want to be here. I want to get out.

Suddenly, images flash in the darkness.

Tobias and I climbing the Ferris Wheel. Kissing Tobias for the first time. My mother dying. Shooting Will. Stabbing Eric. Taking Tobias's muffin and taking off his clothes......

"Tris." Tobias's deep voice echoes in the darkness.

My mouth opens, but no sound comes out.

"Tris, please hear me. Please. I need to tell you that- that I love you. Ever since you jumped I knew- I just knew it was you." The voice sniffles. "I need you to know that I am sorry. For some reason, I feel as if it was my fault. It was my fault for you being shot. For not being there for you. For not- taking the bullet. I am sorry. I wish I was there for you." He pauses.

"I wish I am in your spot and you are in mine. I can't live to see you like this......" The voice sighs. "I know you probably can't hear me. I can't believe I'm talking to an unconscious body. Just please Tris. I know you are there somewhere, and I need you back. Please, Tris. Come back."

Suddenly, I stop falling. I am hovering in darkness.

Tobias. I need to return to Tobias.

My body flies upward. The images I saw vanish and so does the voice. The light above grows larger and larger as I get closer to it. I can see myself again. Light shines down and blinds me until suddenly-

I am enveloped in light.

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