Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven



All of us sit in a black van, driving on a dirt road towards the Fringe. Dressed in all black with bulletproof vests and and guns, Tobias, Christina, Zeke, Amar and George all sit silently.

I pull out the knife I hide in my pant leg, and flip it around multiple times, looking at my reflection in the metal as it rotates.

The car drives over a rock and we all bounce in our seats. I drop the knife and fall on Tobias's lap. Christina eyes me and smiles.

I want to break the silence. Sitting up, I out my hand through my hair. "Christina, when was Uriah's funeral?" Everyone's eyes darken and face the floor. Zeke looks at Christina, then me, and back to the floor.

"It was last week, the day before you woke up from your coma. It was held in Dauntless, then after the ceremony we decided zip line in his honor, and spread his ashes." Christina's voice quivers. "But let's talk about something cheerful." She turns her frown into a smile. "So, what's up with you two, Four and Six? Had multiplication lately?"

I look down at the floor, blushing. Zeke and George laugh, whereas Amar doesn't find it funny. I think he might still have some feelings for Tobias, though he knows nothing will ever happen.

Tobias grabs ahold of my hand, and I can almost hear him grin.

"We officially moved in together. I got us a penthouse downtown, and we've had an amazing time so far. We are hoping to start a family soon," he says as he squeezes my hand.

"Uh-huh. Okay. I see how it is. Are you already expecting?" She giggles.

I look at her. "Not yet," I say. I know why I became friends with her so quickly. She is the total opposite of me. Loud, outgoing, funny, courageous. Something things I never experienced in my childhood. I smile, thinking of all the good memories I've had with her.

The car slows to a stop, and everyone gets up. Amar slides open the door, and let's George step out before following him. Christina and Zeke follow, and Tobias leads me in front of him. I step on the dead grass and look ahead at the large fence entrapping the citizens.

Guards pace the perimeter, guns pointed at the floor. Hands emerge from the holes of the fence, some pleading for help, and others shouting threats. We are escorted by the same man who delivered the letter, and he brings us inside a metal building, connected to the fence.

As we enter the building, the shouting behind the fence increases, and a shot is fired, along with screams. I tense as I hear it sound, and feel Tobias clench his fists.

The door behind us closes, and in front of us stands Evelyn Eaton, dressed in an Abnegation grey top and black pants. She turns, holding papers in her hands, and smiles.

"I'm so glad you could make it, Tobias." She says as she sets the papers down on the table. About five other people are behind her, looking through papers and maps. They must be part of the council of the Convergent.

"Tris, why, you look stunning today." Evelyn says as she walks foreword. "Tobias is very lucky to have a strong woman like you." I smile, and thank her. She walks over to Tobias and leads him to the table. We all follow.

"The rebel groups of the Fringe do not know we are here. We talked to the Bureau and they have set twice as many guards out, patrolling the gates to make sure no one escapes. They could strike anytime, but we don't want that."

This doesn't make sense. Why do they have to be kept in this dirty, murderous place?

"Why do they have to be kept in here?" I ask. The room becomes silent.

"Do you want murders wandering the streets of Chicago?" Evelyn answers. "We are trying to protect our citizens."

"But didn't you want to create a peaceful society? Ones without problems like this?" I say.

"Tris," Tobias whispers.

Christina looks at me, and nods. "I kinda agree with Tris. If you don't want them in the city, why not let them go somewhere else?"

"Are you here to fight for Chicago, or the Fringe?" Evelyn says. "You haven't let me finish the plan yet. We aren't just going to keep them here forever. We do want to create peace between the cities and keep it that way." She looks at me.

"Our plan is to talk to the main group of rebels and stop them from creating a war. If they force their way out of the city, they will be shot by the Bureau. Our other mission is to stop this group from slaughtering innocent people. If we don't do this, more lives will be lost, and that will just make things worse. We are going to get inside the Fringe, and find the group of rebels, make an agreement of leaving, and stop them from murdering."

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