Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen



I jump awake and find myself sitting up on my bed. Sweat covers my face and my heart pounds in my chest. In the last few days after the funeral, I have been getting stomach pains every day. But this was not like the others.

I pull the white covers off of me, and stand up on the wooden floor. Tobias, who lays in bed wearing a grey v-neck, opens his eyes instantly and reaches for me.

"Tris are you okay?" He asks, pulling his body across the bed to my side, and swinging his legs from underneath the covers. Tobias wears long plaid pajama pants that sometimes make me want to kiss him all over.

What did I just say? I never think that. What is wrong with me?

His muscular hands lightly grab me sides and lead my body to the edge of the bed, where I sit down, looking out the window, observing the night skyline of Chicago, ablaze with lights. Rain drops cover the window, and slide down, leaving a small trail of water behind it.

"Are you okay?" He repeats. "Are you feeling okay?"

I nod, though I don't know if I'm being entirely true.

"I just have some stomach pains," I say, reassuring Tobias, and myself.

He sighs, and pulls my head into the base of his neck, with his hands gently brushing through my hair.

My mouth feels suddenly dry as I close it, so I slowly pull away from his embrace and stand.

"I'm going downstairs to get some water. Would you like some?" I ask. His arms lean on the edge of the bed, with his massive legs hanging over the side. Tobias smiles, one that gives me tingles, the one he gave me on the train heading to the Navy Pier.

"I would love some," he says. I nod, and turn my back to him, walking to the spiral staircase at the end of the room. As I descend, I feel his eyes follow me down, starring at my back. The Abnegation part of me wants to coil into a ball and cover my shoulders with a jacket, but I don't.

My feet hit the cool tile of the kitchen, and I open the cupboard to the left, and take out two glass cups, and fill it with water from the fridge. I set Tobias's on the countertop, and pick up mine, slowly bringing it to my lips. Suddenly, a wave of nausea rolls through me, and my mouth fills with bile.

I cough, and double over, and the glass in my hand slips from my grasp and shatters on the tile. My stomach feels as if it's being turned inside out as I throw up. From above, I hear footsteps running, and clattering down the metal staircase.

"Tris!" Tobias yells, as he runs up to me. He kneels and puts his hand on my back, as I continue to vomit.

The bile in my throat goes back down and I stop vomiting. I take a big gulp of air, and my heart is racing. My mouth tastes like blood and sour bile, and the tastes burns against the back of my throat and tongue.

"Tris, you aren't okay. We have to get you to a hospital. This could have to do with your coma," Tobias says, but his voice becomes distant.

Something inside of my head clicks, as I crouch huddled against the cupboards, with my vomit surrounding me and painting the floor.

I'm pregnant.

I shake my head. "No Tobias, this has nothing to do with my coma." He looks confused, and cocks his head to the side.

"What is it then?" He asks. Tobias avoids stepping in my vomit, but sits to the side of me, and faces me.

How do I tell him? Do I tell him? I'm barely seventeen. But I don't know if I'm 100% sure pregnant.

When I was young, I was taught that babies come from the "sheer force of good will." I never believed that, because I knew that something had to occur between people, and that's why children look like their parents. My father and mother always avoided the question, so I stopped asking. I was curious about life, and how it was created. I was curious about why we were different from men. But in Dauntless, you find out and see a lot more than you want to, and it turns out I was right.

Tobias's eyes look into mine with sincere concern and love.

I sigh and swallow, trying to push the metallic and sour taste of bile off my tongue. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, I pull him close where my lips are inches from his.

"I think I'm pregnant, Tobias." I whisper.

His eyes widen, and his countenance changes.

"Are you not okay with it?" I ask, feeling embarrassed, and somewhat angry.

"No! Not at all!" He says, with a smirk growing across his face. He takes his hand and presses it against the counter, intertwined with his, and he leans in, pressing his soft lips to mine. I smell his shampoo from his messy bed head and smile as he kisses me.

"I am going to be a dad," he says as he pulls away. "We are going to be-" he pauses and touches my stomach. "We are going to be parents."

"Well, actually, I don't know for sure. I haven't taken the test yet," I say, giggling a little.

His smile flattens. "I'll be right back then!" He says as he stands and grabs his keys from the table. "I'll run to the Erudite Health store and pick some up," Tobias smiles and enters the elevator.

Once the doors close, I bite my lip, trying to hold in my smile, as I place my hand on my stomach and lean my head back on the cupboard.

(A/N): Yep so this happened but if you think this is mainstream and stuff- wait till the next chapter. I promise it will blow your socks off. :)


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