52 Things To Do On A Friday

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1. Wake up in a happy mood.

2. Smash your alarm clock for the fifth time this week.

3. Get out of bed.

4. Attempt not to repeat Monday's rushing

5. Get dressed.

6 Eat breakfast. Spit it out because you can't cook.

7. Brush your teeth.

8. Style your hair, and find out it actually wants to go with your choice today.

9. Get out to the bus stop on time!

10. Get on bus, sit with a buddy!

11. Get off bus, go to wherever you need to go in the mornings.

12. Get to homeroom, and only ask your teacher twice when it's time to go home!

13. Do the same thing with your morning classes.

14. Go to lunch and see they actually have something good to eat!

15. Pay for lunch.

16. Sit down at a table with friends.

17. Talk to friends while eating.

18. Go dump what food you don't eat.

19. Go back to table (or exit cafeteria, whatever your school does.)

20. Exit cafeteria skipping and being happy!

21. Go to afternoon classes.

22. Ask them twice when it's time to go home.

23. When it is time to go home, get your things from your locker and slam the locker door, shouting, "Weekeeeeeeeend!" and casually walk away!

24. Get on bus.

25. Sit with your buddy again! Don't have a buddy? Ride with your imaginary friend!

26. Get off bus.

27. Run home like a maniac, screaming and throwing your arms and hands around!

28. Go into house.

29. Slam the door and let out a loud, "Yeah!"

30. Go up to room.

31. Celebrate cuz it's FRIDAY!!!

32. Blast songs that are about Friday!

33. Go down for dinner.

34. Eat LOTS of it.

35. Go back up to your room to continue the party.

36. Party untill its 2:30 a.m.

37. Get ready for bed using the Monday cycle.

38. Get into bed.

39. Find out you have a hard time sleeping from all of that soda you drank.

40. Curse the soda cuz it's now 3:30 in the morning and you still can't sleep.

41. Get out of bed and continue to party.

42. Get yelled at by your parents.

43. Wait fifteen minutes and continue partying.

44. Get yelled at by neighbors.

45. See how much time you partied this time.

46. Sigh to see it's 4:15.

47. Realize your parents are going to kill you.

48. Quickly get into the bed again.

49. Get comfy.

50. Fall asleep.

51. Dream about whatever you dream about.

52. Repeat in seven days.

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