21 Things To Do In The Parking Lot of McDonalds

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1. Whatever you do, DO NOT EXIT THE CAR!

2. Honk your horn at any customer that goes into or exits the McDonalds (drive thru could or could not count for this one.)

3. If an employee happens to be going in to start their shift, yell out of your window, "TARDY!!! YOU ARE SOOOOOO TARDY!!!"

4. Blast music and get a friend to dance on the hood or roof of the car to the song.

5. Also get them to sing along. 

6. Ask a customer coming out of the resturaunt if they could give you the answers to last Thursdays homework.

7. If they can't, ask them about this Tuesday's.

8. Take one of their burgers, put it on your head, put your head outside the window and yell, "I AM THE BURGER KING/QUEEN!!!"

9. Tweet about it.

10. Take a burger that you either bought at another resteraunt or you made by yourself, take a bite, spit it out of the window, and yell, "MY GOD WAS THAT MOLDY CHEESE?!"

11. If one of your friends goes inside the McDonalds to order something make them yell, "I got the Krabby Patty recipe!!!"

12. If you go through the drive thru, ask them for a Krabby Patty.

13. When they say they don't have a Krabby Patty, ask them why.

14. When they tell you it isn't the "Krusty Krab," tell them that Mr.Krabs would be ashamed.

15. Whatever they say after that, retort with, "Oh yeah, I bet Plankton WOULD take that recipe!!!"

16. Then when they say another thing, tell them you were "talking to your friend."

17. Casually drive away after that last sentence.

18. Complain about how bad their food is to a garbage can.

19. Tell the can that Burger King is better.

20. Ask them if Plankton works there.

21. LEAVE!!!

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