29 Things To Do In The Woods

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1. Scream.

2. Leave a trail of bread crumbs.

3. Throw a rock at a tree. See what noise it makes.

4. Bring your friends with you.

5. Tweet pictures of random animals.

6. If you come across water, get down on your knees, take some water in your hands and pretend to be researching fish urine.

7. Make a fire out in the middle. See if someone comes.

8. Point to a squirrel and yell "It's a squirrel!"

9. Play hide and seek with the animals.

10. Search for Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.

11. Try to make friends with all of the forest animals!

12. Go behind a tree and "mark your territory."

13. Do a dance in front of a deer or bird.

14. Climb high up a tree and yell/sing a song.

15. Snap a twig or a small branch really loud and then yell, "My leg!"

16. When you are out in the middle of a forest with your friend(s) and you don't know where you are, go a little nerdy. Say "With my calculations of the sun and moon, with how many steps we took in the (state a direction) direction and how many trees we passed, we are, well, lost."

17. Pretend to hunt plants for dinner, throwing rocks at them.

18. Carve something into a tree.

19. Yell at every bird you see.

20. Watch the sunset.

21. Yell for help.

22. Throw something somewhere so it hits something.

23. Ask where your favorite celebrity is to a nearby tree.

24. Chuck a book at a tree and say, "Here is your son back!!"

25. Grab a handful of dirt and pretend to make utensils out of it.

26. Post notes on tree.

27. Whistle a tune. See if a bird replies to it.

28. Pretend the bark on a tree is a maze and attempt to get from the bottom to a branch without hitting any dead ends.

29. Measure your height with a flower.

30. Try to pet a nearby animal, as long as it isn't dangerous.

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