Frustration within a Month

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It's been a while since I'd gone home from the hospital, Summer is almost two and still in a coma. I'm not sure how to deal with it much longer.

"Hey.." Kat stepped into my room her arms folded perfectly into place. I sigh and look away feeling guilty. "Look, I know you're taking this hard but the doctors said she should be back on her feet soon.." I shiver as anger creeps upon me.

"No! You look! That's exactly what they said about her mother! Five months past bad nothing happened, her lungs shut down and I was right there! She died in my fucking arms! So no I won't 'look' I'm sick and tired of getting my hopes up!" I walk past her down into the kitchen.

"You okay?" Shay look at me with worry in his eyes "I'm fine" he shook his head hugging me tightly.

Tears slowly start to flow as I break down into my brothers arms unsure where it would lead me.


"Doctor Linden to room 287 please" the speakers went off in the hospital as I looked at my peaceful baby

"Hey there darling, Daddy's right here" I held her hand smiling as her fingers wrapped around my index finger. "Wait...Summer.. baby girl." my eyes widened looking at her hands and her eyes slowly fluttering open "DOCTOR! Someone! She's waking up!" I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as her ocean blue eyes beamed up at me.

Unlocking my phone I called Shay at work.

"Shay here, how can I be of assistance?" His deep voice rattled into my ear.

"It's me October! Summers awake!!"

"That's fantastic! I'll pick up the crew and we'll be right over!"

"Bring me food!"

He laughed before hanging up.

Once the crew had arrived the doctor proceeded to explain that all we had to do was sign summer out. I thanked the doctor, scooped Summer up, and headed home.

Summer smiled the whole way home, it was 10pm by the time we got home which means time to put miss Summer to bed, if she'd even settle down. "Sum, it's time to sleep, you need your sleep baby" I lied down with Summer tightly snuggled into my side, "Goodnight my love" drifting into a light sleep I held Summer tight refusing to let go of my beautiful baby.


Okay hey guys! I've already said sorry in an updated status but I'll proceed to say it once more! I'M TERRIBLY SORRY!!

Anyway I'd like to let you know I'm holding a contest! If you're all artistic and stuff you'll love this!

The contest is for a new cover (for this story ofc)

Must include:

1- The title of the book.

2- your name in small print off to the side.

3- my account name (Kenzie87)

4- not a rainbow, be sensible.

Send me your entry's to my KIK: @Kenzie887

If you have any questions just ask!!


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