Chapter 5

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~Alan's P.O.V~

I ran outside, frantically searching for the familar figure of the Carlile. Everywhere I looked I thought I'd caught a glimpse of him, but it turned out my eyes seemed to be playing tricks on me.

I bit my lip in frustration, twisting back and forth. I needed to talk to him. I had somethings we needed to clear up. Especially after all he'd said.

I didn't know he was that hurt. That Justin and my relationship had terrorized him so much. I mean, sure I wanted him to feel the way he'd made me feel.

I wanted him to be jealous. I admit it.

But I had thought he had hurt me on purpose. If that wasn't the case, well then I needed to know exactly how he felt about me. 

I stopped beside a tree and leaned against it. Bringing my palms to my eyes I shook my head in misery.

"I'm sorry Austin..."

I mumbled to myself.

"I didn't mean it, come back please.."

I pleaded to no one. For a second it was silent and then it was shattered when a loud thump came from behind the tree. I peeked around and saw the slim back of Austin. My eyes widened and without really thinking I reached out and touched his shoulder.

Jumping, he spun around and stepped back as he saw me.


I began, but he stopped me with cold eyes.

"Please, go away."

He stated.

"You now know how I feel and I know you don't care. Just run back to Justin, enjoy your love life and stay out of mine. Like you said before I really do fuck up everything."

I knew I should take this as a lesson. That I should start using my head and turn away and walk away. But I couldn't. My heart wanted him. I wanted him back.

I came closer and pointed to the gash from his fall on his bicep.

"I'm fine. Go."

He protested, but I shrugged off my t-shirt and wrapped it around the cut. He didn't retreat, but he didn't speak. As I finished bandaging it I stepped back and locked my gaze on his.

"I know that I'm not to blame, but if you think I am then.....I am sorry Austin."

The words were bleak and as I turned to leave I hoped he'd follow me.

He didn't.


Justin was helping me tune my guitar as we waited for the band on stage wrap up their set. Even though we were going on next no one had seen Austin since the incident beside the tree.

I looked around, anixety forming in my blood. Where was he? 


Justin's voice flowed into me and brought me back to reality. I looked at him and he gave me a weak smile, kissing the tip of my nose.

"Don't worry ok, I'm here if that motherfucker tries.."

He began, but I hushed him with a light kiss.

"I know."

I mumbled and followed Phil out onto the stage. Tino shot me a glare of concern, but I shrugged- I didn't know where the vocalist was. We took our positions and the audience began to chant Austin's name. 

"Where is Carlile?"

The manager hissed from behind the amp, as I opened my mouth to explain that we had no clue the said male made way onto the stage from the side of the crowd. He stumbled toward the mic with a grin on his features.


He cried into the mic, the kids going insane. He grabbed the stand and twirled around slightly before placing it down and looking over at me.

"You guys know Alan rightttt?"

A loud ocean of 'Yeah's' came from the people and Austin smirked as I let out an awkward wave. What was he going to do? 

I eyed him nervously as he began to swagger over to me. He brought his hand to my guitar strap and slipped it over my head. I wanted to question his actions, but it felt like my voice had left.

He brought his hands to my hips and I could see the crowd meshing closer to the stage to see what was going on.


I was cut off as his lips pressed to mine and his fingers disappeared down the hem of my jeans. My eyes popped open wide and the crowd went crazy with a mix of cheers and confusion. 

I felt his tongue slid against my bottom lip and pry them open with a slamming force. His chest was pressed hard against mine and his hands were fumbling with my fly. 


I moaned and brought my hands up as if to push him away, but again I couldn't.

I could never resist Austin Carlile.

He pulled away, panting and smirking hugely at me.

"Alan Ashby, I fucking love you."

My breathless body jerked as he said those words and his hands moved to the fabric of my boxers. We were on the damn stage in front of everyone. Justin, Phil, Tino, the fans, but none of that mattered.

"Austin I...."

I started, but was suddenly meet with a sharp pain in my head and blacked out.


"Austin! Austin!"


"Austin I love you so much....why...."

"Did you really think I loved you Ashby? Please. Get this straight: I DO NOT LIKE GUYS. You were just an experiment and now I'm done with you. I'm with Sarah now."


I woke up and reached out, screaming.


I cried, tears forming in my eyes. I felt someone pin my arms down and my eyes blurred and then focused on Tino's face above mine. I blinked and looked to my left to see Phil and Justin.

But no Austin.


Tino sighed.

"You blacked out on stage after you and Austin erm...did your stuff."

He explained and I blinked rapidly once more. Justin gritted his teeth and Phil looked at his hands and bit his tongue.

"Wh..where is Austin?"

I managed, confused by the current situation.

"He......well...Sarah was at the show so he went out to talk to her."

Tino said and Phil punched him in the arm, murmuring that 'saying' that was not a good idea. 

I lay my head back against the floor and shut my eyes.

My nightmare, the reason Austin had hurt me so bad, was back? 

I Cannot Feel Anything, Anymore~ Austlan CashbyWhere stories live. Discover now