Chapter 17

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Heyo!!!! This is faqqotfrolick (i deleted my wattpad but here i am once again to bring u the cashby haha i am so so so so so sooo sorry for the long wait)


(Alan's POV)

After going skating with Austin, all I could think about was how much fun we'd had, how much I'd enjoyed it, how much I wanted to do it again.

Being near Austin was something I'd adapted to, so bad that I couldn't live without it. It was a realization of a fact I should have understood long before, but tried to deny for stupid reasons.


I looked up to see Phil standing over my bunk.

"Yeah dude?"

"Um.....somethings going on outside. I think you need to see it."

Something was going on outside? Was there like a fire maybe? Was someone hurt? 

I jumped to my feet, hurrying over to the front of the bus where the rest of Of Mice & Men was gathered. Aaron spotted me and just by the look on his face I could tell something wasn't right. He stepped aside, letting me pass through and out of the door.

The scene in front of me was simple, Justin had his arm locked around Austin's neck, his fist was landing continuous blows to my boyfriends face and blood was trickling down the edge of Austin's mouth. 

For a second I couldn't speak, but suddenly a fit of rage came over me and I walked over to the two of them. 

With one swift kick I landed a hard stomp into Trotta's stomach, knocking him off of Austin and onto the floor. Without even thinking I made my way over to try and get another hit when I felt something grab onto the back of my foot.

Turning around, I could see Austin who was doubled over in pain holding me back.


I wanted to shake him off, and go over and beat the lights out of our ex guitar tech, but I knew I couldn't. Not with the look Austin was giving me.

I turned back, looking at Justin who was also holding onto his midsection.

"Don't come near him again Justin. Don't come near me again. Just leave or else I swear---"

I clenched my fist to stop from screaming.

"Or else it'll be worse for you the second time around. Don't pull this shit ever again."

I spat, turning back to Austin who was being pulled up by Phil and Tino. I rushed over and lent my help, getting Aaron to call up the hospital.


Austin mumbled, coughing slightly.

"Don't speak ok, we need to get you fixed up."

I said, trying my hardest to give him a reassuring smile.


After getting Austin checked in, I talked to the rest of the guys about how the entire fight had started. 

Apparently Justin had come searching for me, saying he just wanted to 'talk' about the incident before, but Austin refused to let him get inside. Pissed off, Justin started to bad mouth our relationship and even though Austin is a pretty level-headed guy, he must of snapped and socked Trotta in the face.

That's when they began to fight and Phil rushed over to wake me up and that was how we ended up here.

I felt like Austin was in that hospital bed because of me, that if it wasn't for my history with Justin he wouldn't have ended up so hurt.


A voice called from my side, I turned to see a young nurse.

"Yeah, that's me."

"You are free to go and visit your friend now."

She smiled, pointing to the door of Austin's room. I thanked her and made my way over.

Inside, Austin was propped up against the wall. He had some bandages on his cheek and it looked like he was pretty worn it. It hurt just to look at him like this.


He said with a small grin.


"I'm alive."

"I can see that..."

I knew Austin was trying to lighten up the situation, but I couldn't stand it. He was always getting hurt, and he was always getting hurt because of me.

"Austin, I'm so sorry."

I started, letting a hand slip through my hair.

"I'm sorry for putting you through all this. I'm sorry that you even got involved. You should have just left me when you had the-"

"Alan, shuttup."

I looked up at him.

"Alan, why would you say that. I took this beating because I love you. Don't you dare tell me to leave you after I've made this commitment."


"No. No but's. Now get over here, I can see you almost crying over there you wimp."

I bit my lip, rushing over and throwing my hands around him, careful of his bandages.

I nuzzled my head into his neck and sniffled back tears.

"I'm still sorry.......I don't want you hurt....ever...."

I could feel Austin shift, his hand coming around my waist and tugging me closer. 

"I don't mind it. If it's for you."

He mumbled and squeezed me lightly. I shut my eyes and nodded, maybe now...maybe everything would be alright.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2013 ⏰

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