Chapter 13

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~Alan's P.O.V~

"Oh my gooooooood Alan you're my inspiration!!! Can I have a photo???"

A girl with bright blue hair squealed as I sat in the shade of the Of Mice & Men tent. It was our day off and somehow our manager had managed to get us a signing- even when we weren't supposed to be working.

I smiled and brought my hand out so she could lean in while her friend snapped a picture with her camera. 

The two girls proceeded to smile and hand me a small stuffed orange cat which I placed on my shoulder and thanked them for with a thumbs up.

From the corner of my eye I spotted Austin who was also talking to a couple fans. They were all laughing as the vocalist made some sort of funny face and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. He looked so adorable, no matter what he did.

My smile fell fast when I saw Aaron lean over and loop his arm around Carlile's shoulder and place a kiss on his cheek. The girls  bursting into a frenzy of giggles.

Ok so I was jealous. 

I admit it.

But was Austin really going to pick Aaron over me? I thought we had something special...


I snapped from my thoughts as another fan introduced themselves and I posed for another picture. My mind drifting back to Austin.


"I love you Austin, I always have and I swear that I just want to put the past behind us. I want to start over, but I want to start over with you...."

My eyes locked on my own reflection in the bathroom mirror.

" that's way to cliche, he'll probably just laugh..."

I mumbled to myself, grasping the edge of the sink in frustration.

I didn't even know if I should confess to him anymore, he was all hung up on Aaron now that he barely even found the time to talk to me.

Sure it hurt, and I mean I didn't even have anyone to talk to about it.


I looked up to see a figure in the doorway, the loud music of the club we were in and the dim lights of the restroom made it hard for me to see who was speaking to me.


"What're you doing in here? We're about to have a drinking contest between Austin and Tino."

"S-Sorry I'll be there in sec."

The person let out a sigh and stepped closer inside, the door shutting behind them. Now in a more clear light I could see who it was.

"Listen Alan, I don't know if you have a problem with me coming back into the band, but I want to know what it is that makes you dislike me."

I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"I don't dislike you Aaron....why do you think that?"

He leaned against one of the stalls and picked at his nail.

"Alan, every time I'm with Austin I can feel your eyes throwing daggers at my back."

I immidately reddened, half because it was true and half because he'd taken a notice.


"Listen, are you jealous?"

I didn't answer him and let my gaze bore into the floor. I felt like I was being interogated for murder or  something.

I heard him sigh and then place a hand on my shoulder.

"Carlile and I have been friends for a long time, but believe me when I say that it is just friends and it will forever be just friends."

I kind of felt a weight lift off of my chest as Aaron spoke, I felt relieved that Aaron wasn't interested, but what if Austin was? 

I mean Aaron could tell me they were 'just friends', but what if Austin was the one that wanted more.

"Thank's Aaron for telling me, but what if Austin likes you-"

I wasn't able to finish as the door was opened again, this time the tall and lean body of Austin stumbled inside. A bottle of Yager in his palm.

"Heeeeeey there you areeeeee Aaaaaaaaaron"

He staggered inside and pressed his hand to the bassist's chest.

"I won the battleeeeee, Tino can't drink for shi- oh hey Alan where you been buddyyyyyy?"

Austin slurred and moved toward me, his eyes were overcast and he smelled of alcohal. I managed a small smile and patted his shoulder. He took my hand and let his mouth press a kiss onto my palm.

I hide the blush on my cheeks by looking at Aaron who was smirking at the both of us. He leaned over and whispered into my ear.

"Remember, a drunk lie is a sober truth so I suggest you listen to what Austin might say tonight."

He grinned and vanished back into the club as Austin cornered me to a wall.

"Ohhhh Alannnn you look so cuteeeeee"

I gave a weak laugh and tried to move under his arms, but he didn't allow me to. His strong hand came to wrap around my midsection and his head dropped into the crook of my neck.

"Don't go, let me stay like this."

He breathed into my skin and I decided to stop struggling for a moment, allowing him to rest his frame on mine.

"I love you Alan...."

He murmured and I felt my heart jump as his body slumped against mine. 

I Cannot Feel Anything, Anymore~ Austlan CashbyWhere stories live. Discover now