Chapter 4

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~Austin’s POV~

I felt a weight on my torso and I opened my eyes. Who the hell had woke me up from my crappy night’s sleep on the couch? I looked up to see Alan sitting on me.

“Al...Alan?” I asked.

“Fancy meeting you here.” What in the hell was going on, was he drunk? Where did he even get the beer anyway?

“What the hell, are you drunk?” I asked him seriously. I leaned up and I could smell the beer on his breath. He just laughed and I sighed, wonderful, I couldn’t deal with a drunk and horny Alan right now. “You are drunk…come on, get off me.” I said.

“I don’t want to get off of you, but I can get you off.” He whispered. My eyes widened and my mouth was slightly ajar.

“Alan, come on…” I said.

“Justin cheated on me.” He said suddenly. I froze. What? that’s why he had gotten drunk. I still want to know where he got the alcohol from. He looked so sad and I sighed. I had seen that look before. Granted I had made him have that look long ago. I reached my hand up and brushed his ginger hair out of his face.

“You don’t deserve that.”

“No.” he said. What? What was he even talking about?

“Alan are you-

“How can you say that after what you did to me!?”

“Wait, weren’t you just telling me about Justin cheating on..

“SHUT UP ABOUT HIM I’M TALKING ABOUT US!” What the fuck had gotten into Alan? Besides probably several beers and extreme jealousy.

“Alan, I’m sorr-

“YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT WHEN YOU…” He held the collar of my shirt and he was looking down at me, he was so angry.

“Alan? What..what is going on?” I looked around Alan to see Justin standing there.

“It’s not what it looks like.” Alan said desperately. I was still in shock over what just happened, why the fuck did this have to happen to me?

“I see what’s going on. You still love him, don’t you Alan?” He said.

“I..No..I” Justin pushed past him and I was alone with Alan again. He turned and looked at me with sad eyes. “Why do you always have to fuck everything up?” He whispered and went back to his bunk with tears forming in his eyes.

“Alan, wait.” I said and I groaned. What seriously just happened? I was just asleep on the couch for crying out loud!


“Justin, please, you know I don’t love him!” I heard Alan say. I felt a pang in my stomach, okay, that hurt. I’m so sure he doesn’t love me, especially after last night.

“Alan.. I’m sorry okay? That thing at the club and then you were.. I’m just sorry. We’re fine now, right?” He asked. I clenched my teeth and opened the curtain on my bunk. I walked past them to the kitchen and started making a hot pocket. I drummed my fingers on the counter, ignoring the two pairs of eyes on me. Fine, if Alan didn’t care, then I didn’t care either. If he wanted Justin so badly then who gives a shit, he can have him. I grabbed the hot pocket from the microwave and hissed, dropping it on the plate.

“Damn that’s hot.” I mumbled. Duh. Hot pockets, the word hot was in the name. I bit into it and turned around, seeing everyone staring at me. “Can I help you both?” I demanded, narrowing my eyes. Justin pursed his lips and glared at me. “Didn’t think so.” I grumbled and walked back to my bunk. I saw Tino on his laptop above my bunk and he just smiled at me.

“You know hot is in the name, they’re going to be hot.”

“Pft, whatever, it could’ve been lukewarm.” He just laughed and shook his head.

“So…what went on last night?” Tino asked me. I just shrugged.

“I have no idea, I really don’t know. All I know was Alan was drunk and… I don’t even know.” I mumbled. He looked at me sadly.

“You know you probably brought up some feelings, that’s why he’s probably acting like this.”

“I know.. but I thought he was over what happened.. I know it was bad but I thought he’d be fine. Even though I didn’t want Justin here, it’s happening now, and there’s nothing I can do about it.” I mumbled.

“Do you even still love Alan?”

“You know what? I think I did…then he started getting all weird and he was basically shoving the fact that Justin was his now. I thought we’d be cool, I thought since we’d both been away for a while that everything would be fixed. Nope, look how that turned out. Now my life had turned to shit because Alan can’t see that I am actually sorry. He doesn’t have to rub it in that he’s with Justin all the time. Because you know what, it hurts. So yeah, I’m so done right now, with a lot of things.” I heard someone clear their throat and saw Phil standing in front of me. “What? Now I can’t talk about whatever I want without offending anyone?” I asked. Phil kept shaking his head and motioning to look behind me.  “OH fabulous! Is this one of these moments where I’m talking about someone and now they’re behind me?” I asked. Phil and Tino nodded slowly. I let out a groan and turned. Alan was standing there, mouth agape.

“A-Austin?” Alan stammered. I shoved past him and I heard Justin behind me.

“Alan? What’s wrong?” Justin asked. I clenched my fists and stalked out the door, leaving everything behind me. I was so done with Justin and Alan. I don’t think I can keep up seeing them together all the time. And whatever happened when Alan said that Justin had cheated on him? Did that just disappear or what? I let out an aggravated sigh and sat down on the grass. My phone buzzed with a text from Phil. I turned it off and laid down. I wonder if a car would come and just run me over…maybe even an inconspicuous boulder those cartoons. That’d be interesting. I heard someone walking towards me and I go up, quickly moving to climb up a nearby tree. I looked down and saw a ginger head of hair looking around. I shook my head and laid out across the branch. Why did he care all of a sudden. His mood swings were really messing with my head. I sighed quietly and leaned my head against the tree and closed my eyes. 

I Cannot Feel Anything, Anymore~ Austlan CashbyWhere stories live. Discover now