Chapter 15

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~Alan's P.O.V~

The one thing I did not need in my life right; was Justin Trotta. And do you want to know who shows up into my life? Can you guess? Justin Trotta. 

Seeing him waltz his way into the back lounge, grabbing slices of pizza like he fucking owned the place.

Excuse me, last time I checked- we'd fired Justin's ass. So why the hell was he back?

Kyle Pavone sauntered over to Austin and I with a bashful look on his features, going off about how WCAR needed a tech and only Justin was available and blah blah blah. Honestly, I felt a bit hurt. Justin and I's break-up was the viral story of the fucking year. A couple of hours after it happened I'd gotten like a thousand new tweets from under aged girls asking if I was now 'on the market' and 'fuckable'.

Ok one, I liked men and two, what in the world was Kyle thinking? He couldn't like have Lou do the tech? I mean our tech could do their tech to...

Ugh it was all just so frustrating and it felt like the damn room was spinning.

At my side I could see Austin giving me a look of worry as I sighed to myself. The thoughts of last nigh fresh in my mind, but with Justin around.....I just couldn't.

"Austin about last night..."


His voice was laced with nervousness.

"I think.....I think we should take a break from it all."

I stated. I could feel him freeze up at my side and despite the anxious glances everyone around the room was throwing my way I got to my feet and walked out of there.

Being in the same room as Justin and Austin right now sounded like suicide to me.


I managed to get out to the back of the venue, placing a cigarette between my lips and letting the smoke indulge me and cast off the jumble of thoughts that had graced my mind.

I needed to think, I needed to figure out what to do now.

I loved Austin, I really really did, but ever since I'd broken up with Justin- I still had this wave of guilt that clouded over me.

Maybe it was the fact that since he'd broken up with me, he'd also lost his job as our bassist, but maybe it also had to do with the fact that not having him around left me with no one to hold at night. Austin was always either mad at me or not around and I used to be able to fall back on Justin with no worries.

But lately, since he'd left, that hadn't been the case.

" fucking idiot."

I mumbled to myself, pressing my back to the wall and looking up at the darkened sky.

I was about to shut my eyes and put out my cigarette when the back door busted open to reveal a thin brunette with an all to familiar male draping a hand around her shoulders.

Justin's eyes flicked to mine for a moment and he let go of the harlot, whispering something that made her giggle and disappear back inside as he moved slowly over to me.


I swallowed and kept my tongue bitten between my teeth.

"How've you been?"


"Mmmm, you're still adorable as ever princess."

He said, reaching out to touch the skin of my cheek, but I dodged just in time.

"Hey! I wasn't going to hurt you are anything."

He exclaimed, chuckling gruffly as one of his arms came to rest on the brick behind me.

"So tell me, did you and Austin do it yet?"

He questioned, his breath smelled a bit of alcohol and pizza. Aside from that his clothes smelt oddly familiar. He was probably still using the same detergent. 

I rattled my brain mentally, stop thinking about that Alan for christ's sake.

"I don't think Austin has the balls to actually, it takes a lot of strength and restrain to do it with someone as cute as you. You just tempt the eye so much Alan you know? You used to turn me into an animal-"

He was cut off as the sound of the entrance opening again. 

This time it was Austin in the doorway. 

Right off the bat I could see the anger pulsate through him as he stared at the position Justin and I were in, his larger body hunched over mine and face dangerously close.

"Trotta. Get away from him."

Austin growled as Justin let his hand come back down to his side and he smirked at the vocalist. 

"Or what Austin? What're you going to do? Scream at me till I go deaf?"

Austin didn't answer the remark and came over to me, taking my wrist in his hand and pulling me toward his side.


"If you ever go near him again Trotta, I will slit your throat and I will have fun doing it."

Austin's tone sent a chill down my spin and a hint of surprise casted over Justin's face. Austin pulled me away and when we were far enough away from the sound tech he pushed me against the wall once more.

"Alan, listen to me and listen close. Just because Justin is back doesn't change anything. What happened last night, it meant something to me and you and I don't care if Trotta sticks around us for the rest of his life- his presence will not stop me from loving you."

I blinked, lacking a response and simply leaned forward to press my lips to his.

Austin smiled into the kiss and took my hand in his, leading me back inside. I glanced down at my phone that went off, the number was unknown and I opened the text. Austin had started talking to Tino and I read the message. 

"Oh Ashby, don't think that your little boyfriend scared me. You'll come running back to me in no time." 

I knew it was Justin, but what the hell did he have in mind? 

I Cannot Feel Anything, Anymore~ Austlan CashbyWhere stories live. Discover now