thirty three

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Esme woke up to the sound of shuffling from downstairs

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Esme woke up to the sound of shuffling from downstairs. She rubbed her eyes, running a hand through her blonde hair, sighing.

She stood up, tightening the string on her pink silk pyjama shorts and placing her hoodie over her body, gently curling the end of the sleeves around her hands.

She stepped down the stairs tiredly, the bags under her eyes a dark shade of grey, a physical representation of the sleepless nights she'd endured for too long.

Esme glanced at the phone that she was holding tightly in her hand, sighing when she saw the time displayed on the phone screen.


Esme sighed, sitting on her stairs as she saw her mum stumble into the house, clearly intoxicated.

Esme sighed, listening to the sounds of her mum's muffled chatter, incoherent words being spat out of the vulgar mouth.

The sound of crashing echoed from the kitchen, making Esme jump in fright and stand up, almost falling over her feet as she stormed into the room that her mother was in, pulling her away from the large chopping knife that she was holding as Esme threw the food that she'd left over into the bin.

Esme stared at her mother, a hurt expression plastered on her pale face as she listened to her mum walk around the house, objects clattering to the floor as the drunk woman whacked them, her clumsy state making Esme even more anxious.

Esme reluctantly walked over, attempting to gently grab her mother's arm so that she could get her into bed, not wanting to leave her downstairs in case she got injured.

As soon as Esme's hands fell on the woman, they were pushed off, the scared girl's mother fighting her daughters grasp.

"Don't do that!" Her mum growled

"Mum, i'm trying to help" Esme sighed

"Don't!" The woman slurred "You're just a kid"

Esme took a shaky breath, turning to her mum and frowning, her hands beginning to shake.

"Exactly Mammy, i'm just a kid" Esme snapped "So, i shouldn't be the one having to help you in after those nights where you've practically drank yourself to death"

"Spare the lecture" Her mum snarled

"No, you need to hear it" Esme said "I can't take it anymore, anything could've happened to you. Do you know how scared i was?"

Her mum rolled her eyes, walking away from her daughter, her drunk state making her cling onto the furniture that she passed, her hands too clammy and shaky to actually get any grip.

Esme's mother stopped before she went upstairs, making Esme also stop her movements as she stopped walking, not attempting to move past her mother like she usually would after an argument.

"You could've left" Her mum said "It's not like i'm desperate for you to stay"

Esme felt like she'd been shot as she watched her mum walk up the stairs through teary eyes.

Esme wrapped her arms around herself, her back resting on the wall as if she was too weak to keep herself standing up without support.

The pain in her chest grew with every shaky breath she took, her face scrunching up in sadness, as the tears began to fall down her face, enough to fill a river.

Esme wiped her eyes with the cuff of her sleeve. She inhaled a breath, sniffling slightly as she regained her posture, holding her head up high. She walked into the kitchen.

She grabbed a bucket from the floor, washing it out with hot water and eventually drying it.

She walked upstairs, into her mothers room, placing the bucket on her beside, frowning slightly.

Esme stumbled into her own room, immediately collapsing onto her bed and falling asleep to the same thought she always did.

perhaps, tomorrow will be a better day.



i recommend listening to safe inside by james arthur whilst reading this but if you don't, that's absolutely fine.

i just wanted to write another chapter so that i can get used to it, i promise i'll go back to the prom episode soon lol.

i'm interested, how are y'all feeling about esme? do you like her?

this chapter is dedicated to
Rogerina_Urie . thank you for
your continuous support, it means the world.

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love y'all

- orla x

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