twenty seven

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The group were crowded round Rita who was sat in her van, discussing the fact that they'd left James with the travellers

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The group were crowded round Rita who was sat in her van, discussing the fact that they'd left James with the travellers.

"He doesn't have any other friends!"

The group were shouting, their voices getting louder and louder with every word that spilled out of their trembling lips.

"Will you shut the fuck up?!" Rita shouted

The group became silent, the fear of Rita making them all panic and worry even more than they previously had.

"Okay" Rita said "So, as far as I can make out, you think you left this James character with the Gypsies?"

"Travellers" Erin corrected her

"The small annoying one thinks we should go back for him because" Rita asked

"They were so angry with us" Clare answered "He could be in real danger, Rita"

"And the mouthy curly one thinks we shouldn't because" Rita asked

"He's a dickhead, Rita" Michelle answered

"See, it's tricky" Rita sighed

Esme turned to Michelle, and the other girls followed suit.

Esme glared at Michelle, feeling her heart race in her chest.

"Come on, Michelle! We can't just leave him, he deserves better than that, you know he does" Esme begged

"If we go back for him we'll miss the start of the concert" Michelle said

"But he's your cousin" Erin stated

"Who hasn't lost a cousin or two in their time?" Michelle asked.

Esme shook her head, not letting her eyes shift from Michelle as she stared at her in disbelief.

"OK, OK, so who agrees with Tiny Tears?" Rita asked "Who thinks we should go back?".

Erin, Esme and Clare's hands shot up, the girls releasing a collective groan when Orla didn't put her hand up.

"Orla!" Clare scowled

"I like James" Orla said "I like Take That more"
"Make a fucking decision, I've T shirts to flog!

Michelle turned to the group, sighing expressively.

"Come on, girls, it's Take That we're talking about" Michelle said

"I know, it's just-" Erin sighed

"You said it yourself Erin, the greats don't come here" Michelle cut her friend off "We never got to see Bros, New Kids on The Block Right Said Fred. Let's not add Take That to the list. We can't turn back. There's too much at stake"

"James has the tickets" Erin said

"SHIT!" Michelle shouted

The van pulled up beside where James was stood counting money. The girls watched in confusion as James joked around with the travellers, picking up the items they were selling and checking them out.

"What are you playing at? Get in the van, fucko!" Michelle shouted

"Does not have to if you don't want to, James" The traveller said

"With all due respect, this has got nothing to do with you" Erin said

"The way you treat this fella is disgraceful" The traveller said

"What's going on, James?" Esme asked sadly

"Jonjo and the lads, well, they just get me, and it turns out I'm a really good salesman" James smiled

"He's a natural" Jonjo said

"So what? You're a Gypsy now?" Clare asked

"Traveller!" Erin corrected

"Actually, Gypsy's fine" Jonjo said

"I knew it!" Michelle smirked

The group rolled their eyes, making Rita groan in annoyance.

"Let's get a move on!" Rita shouted

"Right, get in the van" Michelle said

"Come on" Michelle said "And do not test me, cos we've already missed PJ and Duncan"

"I'm not leaving, Michelle" James said.

Esme looked down sadly, jumping out of the van and walking towards James.

"Not even for Gary Barlow?" Esme asked

"I don't really rate him as a songwriter, you know?" Jonjo said

"I'm sorry, Jonjo, but you've just crossed the line there" James frowned.

Esme grabbed James' hand, pulling him behind her into the van.

They piled into the back, James laughing at the strange situation as he leant against the back of the van with a sigh.

Esme smiled at him, leaning her body against his chest as he smiled softly, playing with her hair and dropping a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

"That's disgusting" Michelle groaned.

Eventually, the van arrived at the venue. Michelle swung open the door and everyone jumped out and ran towards the doors.

"We're gonna be all the way at the back, thanks James" Clare whined.

Esme shook her head, dragging the group through a random corridor and leading them towards a door that would take them to the side of the stage.

The group followed Esme and squished themselves in front row, resting their hands on the barrier as Michelle held her Robbie Williams cutout beside her, screaming when the actual Robbie Williams appeared on the stage.



i've always wondered how the
gang managed to get barrier
for the concert if they were late but whatever.

hope you're all doing well, my fave episode is coming up soon!! (the prom episode lol)

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love y'all

- orla x

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