Chapter Thirty Four: A Rude Awakening

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I laid with Dimitri a little while longer before becoming restless. Imara felt distant in my mind. I knew why, but I needed to talk things through with him; I didn't want him to be in a bad mood with me. Carefully, I untangled myself from his arms and legs before slipping out of the sheets and gasping at the cold air... I hadn't got out of bed naked before.

My Insurgo clothes were strewn all over the floor, but I decided against wearing them right now; I'd put them on later after I'd sorted things with Imara. Instead I went to the small wooden cabinet and pulled out one of my long tops. It was just a thin black sheet that I'd cut arm and neck holes into, but it was comfortable because it had no sleeves. My arms felt free, and, because the neck was quite low, I didn't feel constricted at all. Also, it was about three times my size so I could hug the bagging material close to my body if I needed to. 

I pulled on some underwear and made my way towards the door, though I didn't get very far before I heard Dimitri yawn, "where are you going?" he asked. 

"To see Imara," I said, turning back to look at him, "he feels distant. Go back to sleep, I'll be back soon." 

"No I'll come with you. If he's distant becaus he's unsure of me, I want to change his mind." 

"Really, it's fine-" but my plea fell on deaf ears because Dimitri was already out of bed. I blushed and felt like a naughty school girl as I watched his naked self wander around looking for clothes. He really was the most beautiful thing on two legs. 

When he was dressed and he had his hair tied back, he wandered over and took my hand in his, "alright, show's over." I nudged his shoulder playfully but said nothing. 

When we got outside, I realised it was early morning;  the birds had just woken up and begun to sing. Luckily for me this meant that few people were up. We made our way through camp and I felt great until the limited number of people that were awake starting to look at us funny, as well as their Animus'. I sped up and dragged DImitri with me. I was feeling more and more uncomfortable, until finally we were in the forest and out of their sight. What was with them? Did we look different?  

"What's wrong, Nephele?" Dimitri asked eventually, "why are you in a hurry?"

"They were staring," I muttered.  

He laughed, "no, they weren't. It's not like they know what happened last night."  

As he spoke a horrifying thought crossed my mind. Did they know what I'd done? Could they somehow tell that I'd broken the laws with Dimitri? Suddenly I felt very embarrassed... I really needed to see Imara. I hadn't made the wrong choice, had I? I hadn't rushed into it? I sat on the cracked ground and pulled my knees to my chest - what if everyone knew? I gasped.. What if Lexio knew? It would completely crush him and destroy any progress we'd made...What had I done? 

"Nephele, really, are you okay?" said Dimitri, now worried. "Why are you sitting down?"

"Nyet," I said through pants, "I just... I just need-"

'Cub,'  I looked up to see Imara's beautiful face peering down at me, 'don't stress yourself out over this.' 

"Imara," I whined, putting my head in my hands, "what have I done? I'm so sorry Imara. I should have listened, I shouldn't have-" 

'It's okay,' he soothed, 'I wasn't thinking straight last night. I've never know anyone to be bonded to a human thats made a physical bond with another. I was afraid we'd lose our connection, I feared you'd lose yourself to him.' 

"I haven't though, Imara." I said, "I promise, I'm no different." 

To my surprise, he laughed. 'I know that now, cub. Our bond is as strong as ever, if not stronger now you are also one with Dimitri. He is a good man, you chose well.'  I leapt up and hugged Imara close; his acceptance was all I really needed and he'd just given it to me.  I still couldn't shrug off the looks from everyone else, but if Imara was on my side things seemed a little better. I was enjoying stroking his fur when suddenly he pulled away and wrinkled his nose up. 'You smell, cub.' he told me. 

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