Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

“No this isn’t happening again! I won’t let you leave me again!” I took a deep breath and let it out. I walked over to her and put my arms around her. “Caitlyn, what do you have your bags packed?” She wouldn’t look up at me.  I don’t think she could look me in the eyes. I saw tears dripping from her face. “Come on Caitlyn, please—. “

“Harry,” she whispered between tears, “I—I just think it would be better if I went and lived with my mom.” She finally looked up at me. I could see that she was feeling terrible about leaving. She looked back down at the ground and started to cry harder. I wrapped her tighter in my arms and she began to put her arms around me and cry into my shoulder.

I rubbed her back and tightened my grip as she shook through her tears in my arms. “Shh, shh—Caitlyn, it’s—it’s ok,” I tried to say sounding strong.

“It’s just—I mean I know that she is always working, but at least she’s home for a bit every day. Your schedule is just so unpredictable—“

I felt as if I had been hit in the gut with a hammer. This was my fault that she was going to leave. At that moment I wished that One Direction was never made. I wished that I had never auditioned for The X Factor. I wished that I had never been in White Eskimo.  I wish that everything that pushed me in the direction of singing never happened. I wanted Caitlyn to stay with me. I needed her in my life. I almost lost her once; I didn’t want to lose her again. “Caitlyn, is there anything at I can do to get you to stay? I—I’ll do anything! I—I—I—“ I moved away from here and quickly went to go sit down on the couch and put my head in my hands.

I didn’t see anything but I felt Caitlyn walk over and sit down next to me and then she put her hand on my back and moved her body into mine. “Harry—“she said before she took a deep breath. “This is not your fault. Believe me I would stay here with you, I just need to be with someone that I know will be there for me all the time.”

“Caitlyn, I will always be there for you! You know that! Whenever you need me!” I yelled as I stood up off the couch.

“Harry, what happens if I really need help and you are half way across the world? What happens then?” she said as she got up and got in my face. “It was hard enough when you went on tour the last time,” she yelled again. She moved away from me and put her hands in her face and began to cry again. I moved over to her and put my arms around her. She huffed and put her arms around me and began to cry. She looked up and me and said, “Harry, I’m sorry. I just think that it would be better for the both of us this way. I will be with someone who will be home every day and you won’t have another thing to worry about. I—I’m sorry, Harry,” with that she buried her head in my shoulder and kept apologizing.

I kissed her gently on the lips and then said though my tears that I was trying to fight back, “Caitlyn, its ok. I understand.  You don’t need to apologize. I just want whatever’s best for you. I moved my head down to her shoulder.

She took my head in her hands and said, “I have to apologize, Harry. I was about to leave without telling you. I didn’t know how I could say goodbye to you again.”  

“It’s ok, babe. It’s ok.”

I felt my heart begin to crack when we got into the car and I began to drive Caitlyn to the airport.

It seemed as if time flew by while we were driving. I felt as if it was only minutes before we were at the airport. It seemed like it was only seconds before her plane was ready for boarding. “Well, I guess this is it,” Caitlyn said with tears starting to fill up in her eyes yet again.

“Caitlyn, I’m going to call you every day, we can face-time, we—we just have to stay in touch,” I basically begged.

“I love you, Harry,” she said putting her arms around my neck and kissed my lips then pulled me in for a hug. I kissed the side of her cheek as I rested my head down on her shoulder. This was too much. I didn’t want to have to do this again.

“Final call for flight 216 to New York,” the horrible voice called over the intercom.

I took a deep breath, not worrying about the tears coming out of my eyes and then said, “you have everything all set? You got your ticket to fly you from New York to Chicago?”

Caitlyn whipped her eyes as she said, “yeah, I’m all set.”

I pulled her in for one last kiss, one last hug, one last moment. As she walked away from me I felt my heart start to shatter with every step that she took. When she got to the terminal she turned and blew me a kiss goodbye. I caught it and then blew one back. Little did I know that that was going to be my last kiss to Caitlyn Moore.

ONE MORE CHAPTER GUYS! I am hoping to get it out to you by Monday night! What do you guys think is going to happen? I’ve been getting a lot of votes but NO COMMENTS ON ANYTHING! Please let me know if you guys are enjoying. AND ANOTHER THING! I am going to start a NEW FAN FIC once this is over. Please either leave a comment at the bottom or tweet me @XxHarryStyles__ if you want it to either be about Harry or Liam! PLEASE TELL ME EVERYBODY! Love You Lots xx. This is dedicated to becca13loves1D for reading the fan fic :) xx.

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