Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I woke up bright and early a few hours later. I quickly took a shower and then I was off to the hospital. Since the moment I had to carry Caitlyn into the hospital I was thinking “I know everything’s going to be ok, she’s strong, and she’ll be fine.” For some awful reason, though, in the back of my mind I knew that things could be seriously wrong. Caitlyn never was that sick before in her life. I was constantly trying not to dwell on the negative and to think positively. Being positive always makes things better, doesn’t it?

I decided to skip breakfast at home and I’d just grab something at the hospital. Hospital food defiantly was not the best food in the world but I wanted to get there as soon as I could to see my beautiful girlfriend. I knew visiting hours didn’t start for another hour, but I wanted to be there early so I could see Caitlyn right away.

I pulled into the parking lot, and let me tell you, nothing is creepier then being in a nearly empty hospital parking lot. I get the chills just thinking about it. I walked into the hospital and there was someone at the reception desk. I decided to walk over there and try to find out what was going on with my girl. “Hello, miss. Could you by any chance tell me how Caitlyn Moore is doing? When I left last night they were still running tests on her.”

“I’m sorry sir, but that information is confidential,” she somewhat snapped at me.

 After that whole conversation was over I still had to wait a bit before the nurse let me go in and see Caitlyn, but I was relieved when I saw that she was awake. “Caitlyn!” I shouted with excitement as I ran over to her bed and knelt down grabbing her hand just as I did last night. “How are you feeling, love? Is everything alright? You had me worried sick! Why weren’t you telling me you weren’t feeling good? Never mind, that doesn’t matter! I’m just glad you’re awake!”  I said as I leaned over and kissed her forehead. Seeing her eyes made it feel like a million pounds had been lifted off of my shoulders.

Caitlyn was clearly still not feeling very well at all, plus she was tired and still hooked up on drugs so all that she couldn’t let out was nothing more than a faint, “Hey, Harry,” and a smile. Her eyes were heavy and she was still very pale. I could tell by the look on her face that she was in pain. I wanted to know what was bothering her, what was hurting her. Even in this situation, I was still amazed by her beauty. She was perfect.

“Hey, I thought I’d show you something to help make you feel better.” I pulled out my phone and opened up twitter. I was happy to see that #GetBetterCaitlyn was still in the worldwide trends. “Look, everyone on twitter is hoping that you will feel better. That’s been trending since last night. She took the phone from my hand and started scrolling, I saw a smile grow bigger and bigger with every tweet that she read.

Mentioned by @1D_FreeFallin:

@CaitlynMooresWorld Hang in there girl. But hey on the plus side now you have a reason to make @Harry_Styles your slave ;) #GetBetterCaitlyn

Mentioned by @MayrithG:

#GetBetterCaitlyn has been trending for hours! Goes to show how much we care about our boys and their friends @CaitlynMooresWorld luv ya xx.

Mentioned by @1Dluver1379:

@Harry_Styles please give my best to @CaitlynMooresWorld and please keep us updated! #GetBetterCaitlyn

I saw a tear start to form in her eyes. She defiantly wasn’t use to all the love that people were giving out to her right now. I could tell that the tweets made her feel better. “People are so sweet,” she said slowly and she looked up at me. I leaned forward and gave a soft kiss on the lips and she kissed me back. Kissing her made me forget where we were and what was going on. I hoped that that kiss did the same for her, that it took away some of the pain.

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