Let the Good Time Roll.. Yeah Right!

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If I thought things couldn't get any more complicated, I was definitely wrong. I just wanted to believe that things couldn't get anymore tangled and knotted.

The meeting with Rainey and my parents didn't go as planned. He was awkward, uncomfortable and was just outright rude. He barely spoke to my parents. He wouldn't have much to do with July. I don't know what had gotten into him. I could deal with him acting the way he was acting towards me, but my parents, July. I can't deal with him just being a jerk. Up until this point everything had been perfectly fine.

All he wanted to do was talk about himself and all the things that he has done without July in his life. It really putting me off as each work came out of his mouth. It would have been fine for him to talk about his life but it was just the way he went on and on about how great his life was.

As you may have guessed that night ended in a huge fight.

I pulled him outside immediately after dinner.

"What the hell is your problem?"

"What do you mean my problem?" he snapped back.

" First off you have completely ignored July, then you were rude to my parents." I was so mad, but I was also very confused. I couldn't understand his actions.

He got so close to me it made me uncomfortable, and before I knew it he was kissing me. I first I was so shocked I didn't move away, but the moment my sense came back I pushed him away. Then I knew exactly what was going on. I don't know how I didn't notice it before, but it was very clear the moment I realized he smelled like a brewery.

"What was that kiss about? Are you drunk?" I wasn't really sure why I asked because I knew by his actions that he was definitely drunk.

He didn't even speak. I guess it was because he knew that there was no reason to. I on the other hand had a lot to say.

"Drunk? Really Rainey? I invite you over to meet my parents. I would have hoped you would have had enough sense to know better than to come here drunk? This is a big deal. How do you think that July felt when you were ignoring her. I trusted you to act like an adult and come here and be civil. That was the least you could have done, even if you didn't want to be here then you could have at least faked it. I know that you care about July, I've seen the way you look at her. I even thought you might have already fallen in love with her, but you didn't show that tonight with your actions. You've really screwed up Rainey."

He looked almost overwhelmed, but I didn't feel sorry for him, not the least little bit.

I turned to walk away. "Melonie stop! I know I screwed up. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. I have a kid, I have a freaking kid. Not only do I have a kid but I have a kid that I don't know, a kid that I've missed the first five years of her life. Now, all of a sudden I'm meeting your parents. I've never gone to meet a girl's parents and we aren't even in a relationship. How do you think I feel right now. Your right, I do love July, and you  know what I got scared. When I'm around you, I feel some of what we had that summer, I don't know what if it is because of July or what.  Don't you think I know what is going on with Maddy? And most of all what happens when summer is over? When we go back to our real lives? We don't live in the same town, we lead totally different lives."

I wasn't really sure what to say, I had to gather my thoughts.There were so many things we needed to say to one another, but now was not the time or the place.

"Rainey, I understand what your saying. Thre are things that are really important that we need to talk about, but I'm not going to have this conversation with you when your drunk. I just can't believe you'd do this. Now I have to go in and try and smooth things over with my parents and most importantly July. I don't like to lie to her, but I'm going to tell her you weren't feeling well. I can't tell her that her dad showed up drunk."

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