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Saturday afternoon

"I think you look good, baby." I cooed tying the laces on my shoes. "Are you sure? I'm gonna go change."

"No! I mean you look great, we should go." I grabbed Blythes hands before she could change yet again. We decided on going to the grocery store, then to the mall, and maybe see a movie since she likes the movie theater so much.

"Wait!" Blythe stopped in the middle of the stairs pulling her hand away. "I need to go pee." She said turning around going back upstairs.

"I'll be outside!"

I took my keys off the counter and grabbed my sweater. For someone who doesn't leave the house, they sure love to be perfect.  Every time Blythe and I go out she changes at least 3 times.

I opened the front seeing a group of people. "Surprise!"

"Ma?!" I looked my parents up and down as they barged in with my siblings trailing behind them. "Mm nice place, could use some cleaning but it's nice." My mom said looking around the living room.

"Umm, what's going on here? Not to be rude but why are you people here?"

"That's actually pretty rude, we haven't heard from you in months and this is how you greet us?" My sister stood in the kitchen opening the fridge.

It was like a whole bunch of ants crawling around my house. "Okay, I'm ready to go this time." Blythe came down the stairs stopping mid-way. "Who are they?" Blythe pointed to my mom while my mom smiled at me.

"This is what's keeping you busy?" My dad grinned walking over to me. "Es tu novia?" (Is this your girlfriend?)

My mom was standing in front of Blythe examining every detail on her. "Yes, ma this is my girlfriend," I said lowly as Blythe looked at me. "This is your mom?!"

"My mom, my dad, and my three sisters. Who are randomly visiting me!" I yelled while my mom ignored me. "Se ve loca." (She looks crazy.)

"Ma!" I cried face-palming myself, everyone was examining Blythe by now. Touching her hair, admiring her every move.

"Is this the crazy girl you were telling us about! The one from your job?!" One of my sisters turned around looking at me. "Language, and yes this is her."

I'm beyond aggravated! Out of all days, my family could've visited they pick now?!

"Mmm, yeah she does look crazy. You ever killed anyone?"

"Okay! That's enough! Blythe and I were just leaving so you guys can show yourself the way out." I pushed through everyone and grabbed Blythes' hand. "Leave? We just got here, we wanted to see you."

"Oh my god, why is this happening to me," I said under my breath letting my mom take Blythe to the living room. "This is Amora when she was 5." I heard faintly while walking upstairs. This is so embarrassing! I could've gone a little longer without my family knowing about Blythe.

Saturday night

"Well, it was nice meeting you, crazy pants." My dad joked playfully punching Blythe in her arm. "Bye, Daddy," I said lowly kissing his cheek. "Bye, sweetheart." My mom cheesed kissing my forehead then Blythes'

My sisters were already in the car, I closed the door behind my parents then locked it. "A heads up would've been nice."

"I didn't know they were coming! I'm just as surprised as you." I sighed taking off my belt. "And you told your parents you met me at the asylum!" Blythe looked at me as I nodded. "They took it pretty well so I didn't think it was a big deal."

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