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Thursday afternoon

I let out a sigh of relief and got off of her, I stood up pulling the blanket over her body. I turned around getting ready to sit back down.

I caught the body shape of someone in the corner of my eye, it took a lot in me to turn and face them. We stood there inertly, staring at one another.


"Why?" Amora looked at me blankly while I stood there. "I had to," I explained coming up to her, I took her hands in mine. "You didn't have to! You're getting the chair and this is what you do!" She pulled her hands away then pushed me.

"I did somethings back then that only she knows! This benefits me!" I yelled pushing her against the door. I grabbed her arms holding her in place.

Amora turned her face away from me, We're both upset mostly her for some odd reason. "Look at me," I said loosening my grip, she did as told looking back at me. "No more chair, beautiful." I grinned as she looked at me wide-eyed, "Serious?" Amora asked with her smile cracking out.


Amora gasped wrapping her arms around my neck, hugging me. I didn't know what to do until I came to my senses and hugged back. Since they have none of my confessions or anything to pin on me, I'm a free woman.

"Let's talk, one on one." Amora let me go taking a seat. I sat across from her still smiling. "Why you always on my case?" I asked keeping my hands on the table. "If I'm not who will?"

"Why you always calling me beautiful?" Amora chuckled unbuttoning her scrub, I covered my eyes only for her to laugh. "I have a shirt on."

I uncovered my eyes and rubbed my hands on my pants. "You got a girlfriend?" Amora asked catching me off guard, "Nah, do you?" I questioned her. "Nope." We enjoyed each other's company without saying much, me not getting the electric chair lighted up her entire mood.

"I could get in a lot of trouble for this but would you like to come over to my house?" She's risking her entire job for me? What the hell is she thinking!

"You to beautiful to be broke and you could definitely lose your job over this." I sighed watching her smile fall on the ground. "Maybe next time."

"I gotta clock out in a bit." Amora stood up pushing her chair in. "I made you something." I followed behind her digging in my pocket, I made her a bracelet out of the snakeskin from that day she took me outside.

"Thank you." Amora gave me her hand letting me put the bracelet on her. I just like making her smile, cause I feel like I'm doing something good in my life.

I like making her smile, I like when she comes for check-ins, I like when she defends me. Her breathing just puts the biggest smile on my face.

"Goodnight." Amora scanned her ID unlocking the door, I blew her a kiss earning my last smile for the night. "Goodness gracious." I groaned sitting in my bed, I pushed Victoria's legs out the way giving myself more space. "Jeez, you're so ugly," I mumbled looking at Victoria's face, I did the world a favor when I killed her.

Amora doesn't get scared at me she keeps her cool around me. I'd love to see what she's like outside of here, she's bold for asking me if I want to leave.

I've never been calm around someone or never had the urge to kill someone. Amora just gives me a tingly feeling, especially when she puts her foot down with me.

"Ugh, I feel like a bitch thinking about someone like this," I mumbled bringing my knees up to my chest.

This is gonna be one hell of a ride.


"How'd you sleep?" I asked sitting across from Blythe in the Television area. I finally took her out the padded room and all I can say is I've never been happier.

"I hate sleeping in there, I might as well be back in the damn jacket." Blythe rolled her eyes.

I took her with me when I saw my clients on the third floor, she likes talking to them. Last night when Blythe turned down my offer it broke my heart but she did it for my sake. I've only been working here for a couple of days but I made some friends.

"Are you good here?" I got up pushing in my chair while Blythe gave me the thumbs up. I don't know what else I could do for but getting her out the padded room was step one.

"Quick question, you have a release date?" Almost have my clients have a release date and unfortunately, Blythe isn't one of them. "No." She gave me a simple answer and I made on with the rest of my day.

Favorite thing about Blythe? I like when she puts her foot down with me but I ain't no bitch. Everything she does makes me smile, it's my second reason why I come to work. Hopefully, I can pull some strings and get her a date.

But I can't just give her a date, she has to show progress and if she really wants it then there shouldn't be a problem.

"I'm going for lunch I can bring you something," I said playing in her dreads. "Whatever you bring back I'll eat it."

I nodded leaving her behind, I'm not going with Jackie cause she didn't come today. The weekend is approaching and I have nothing planned, I don't work on weekends because that's just a ridiculous thing to do.

I'm only nice when I'm at work but other than that I'm a different person. I slept so much better last night knowing that Blythe isn't getting the chair.

The bracelet she made me fits like a glove, I'm no bitch or anything but I'm geeked she made it for me. For some odd reason I just want to give Blythe everything, I get that she's done wrong in the past but who hasn't?

And if you think I'm out of pocket for feeling that way about her, oh well bitch I was never in the pocket, to begin with.


Short chapter.

-Blythe doesn't get the chair! Whoop
-in one word describe Blythe.
-Whew a bitch has never updated so fast in her life 🥵
-I'm finna stir some shit up tho😘

Byeee hot girls💋

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