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"Why are you here?"

"I want to help the ill, I want people to get better because it's clear y'all not doing that here. Yeah, I want to work in an asylum but some of these people don't even be crazy! I want them to know that they're gonna get the help they deserve." I said rubbing my clammy hands on my pants.

It's a weird place to get a job but I know what my purpose is!

"You're hired, not cause of your shitty speech but because we're low on staff."

I looked in each room and each room had something more terrifying than the last. "There should be some extra scrubs in the employees' room, just put the shirt on and I'll have your name tag ready."

I nodded following the arrows to the employees' room. A woman was shaking like she saw a ghost. "You need to get out of here." she grabbed my hands still shaking, I read her name tag in my head 'Jackie.' "Get your paws off me women," I yanked away from her grip then walked to the back of the room.

I looked through the scrubs taking the cleanest one I could find. "What's your name?" Jackie stood in front of me looking in my eyes with her tear-stained cheeks.

"Amora," I said plainly. "Today's my first day," I added in taking a seat, she sat across from me. "Not that I care or anything but why were you crying?" I straightened my back as Jackie scoffed. "My friend was killed." She said in almost a whisper tone.

"But enough about me. Since it's your first day why don't you check out a patient with me?"

I shrugged. "Sounds beneficial to me." I stood up pushing my chair in, we left the break room and checked in with a few patients. I had gotten my name tag already, a few patients like me already.

"If you don't mind me asking, when did your friend die?" I walked side by side with Jackie. "She died yesterday, Monday afternoon."

"Sorry for your lost." I gave her a hug while we stood outside a patients room. "The last one for the day, Blythe Fayre," I said.

The color in her face flushed away almost like she was sick. "We can skip this one." She chuckled nervously walking away. "No." I grabbed her arm moving down to her hand. "I got you."

She opened the door then closed it after I came in. "Nurse Jackie, my favorite." Blythe smiled sitting down in her chair. She's in a padded room unlike everybody else.

"Jackie, I kill your friend and you bring another one. You're too nice to me." Blythe tipped her chair over leaning against the wall.

Killed her friend? This is who killed Jackie's friend?

"What's your name beautiful?" Blythe smiled rattling in her straitjacket. "Amora, nurse Amora." I smiled putting my hands on the table. "Jackie, no recording today?" Blythe pouted but then smiled when Jackie took out the recorder.

"Jackie, wanna see a magic trick?"

I looked at Jackie's shaking hands but quickly grabbed took them in mine. It was an uncomfortable position but it got her to relax. "You can leave if you want," I whispered in her ear. "No, I'm fine." She said before taking a deep breath.

"Show us your trick." I insisted.

Jackie and I watched as Blythe stood up shaking in her jacket. "Surprise." Blythe smiled coming out of her jacket. "Patient is now out of her straitjacket," Jackie said holding the recorder.

"Tell me about yourself, Amora." We straight-faced each other but I broke into a smile. "I'm from Detroit, I'm 19 and that's all you need to know."

She rolled her eyes then looked at Jackie. "Jackie, I missed you. After you left I got so bored in here." "Enough." I spat drawing the attention to myself. "We have some questions for you." I noticed her little smile.

"What do you dream about?" I asked taking the recorder from Jackie.

"You." She grinned heinously. "I dream about killing, I don't really dream I'd say nightmares more than dreams." " What are your plans if you ever get out of this ward?"

"I'm not getting out, isn't that right Jackie?" Blythe stood up walking around the table, standing behind Jackie. "How are you feeling right now?"

"Horny." She unbuttoned Jackie's scrub slowly still standing behind her. I was set back due to what I was seeing.

"Jackie, tell her to stop ruining our moment." Blythe looked at me still touching on Jackie. "When you see something gruesome, how does that make you feel?"

"Come visit me later." She kissed Jackie then buttoned up her shirt. "When I see something gruesome, I get excited. For example, a child getting a pack of crayons, that's exciting. When I was younger my dad showed me how to skin an animal. I skinned a rabbit before and I've never been proud of myself."

"Amora, I don't feel comfortable with these questions. You're not making this fun."

She snatched the recorder out my hand and stepped over to my side of the table. I tensed up as she rested her hand on my shoulder. "Patient is showing a display of fear."

Her cold hands went in my shirt touching around my breast. My nipples became hard once she touched them, she crouched down nibbling on my ear lobe. "I'm gonna kill you." She whispered in my ear making me jump, I pushed her away as she smirked blowing me a kiss.

It feels like my skeleton just jumped out of my body and started doing its own thing. I was calm when she touched me somewhat close to liking it.

"Session over." Blythe smiled dropping the recorder in her pants then sitting back in her seat. "Give me the recorder," I said sternly. "Come and get it, beautiful."

"She doesn't give them back, she keeps them for herself," Jackie said getting up from her chair then pushing it in. "Amora, come alone tomorrow."

I looked at Blythe not even phased by her, something about her doesn't scare me. "Bye Blythe." I winked before closing the door behind me.

I'm not scared of her, she's not intimidating to me. She does have a lot of loose screws but other than that I don't see a challenge.


-We've met Amora!
-Should Amora quit her job?
-Awe she's so protective over Jackie
-Was Blythe flirting with Amora?
-Why Isn't Amora scared of Jackie?

Big kiss to my bitch cloutcrumbs for giving me MY FYE ASS BOOK COVER! She's really my plug.

Bye hot girls 🥰

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