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Wednesday night

"You're so handsome." I cheesed looking at Blythe through the mirror. "You're so gay." Blythe laughed hiding away her red cheeks.

I want our first date to be special, I wish we could do everything in one night. But I was able to come up with a couple of things for us, it's 6 right now so first we're gonna catch a movie, then the bar, after that just hang around town.

"After you." I smiled opening the front door for her. "Look at you, being a gentlewoman." Blythe chuckled walking down the stairs and out the front door.

"For you m'lady." Blythe held open the car door gesturing me to get inside. "Why thank you."

I can't keep my cool when I'm around Blythe, she puts me off my game. It's almost like she's still flirting with me and knows she makes me weak in the knees.

"Catch me up, how's work?" I asked driving out my parking space. "It's good, John is really nice to me."

John is Jackie's cousin who was kind enough to give Blythe the job. "That's good, I'm glad you like it." It's always nice to have someone to talk to, Blythe and I don't see each other that much but when we do we spend hours talking.

"You scared to make a move on me or something?" Blythe asked throwing me off guard. "What do you mean?" I chuckled nervously looking at her then back at the road.

"I see how you look at me, you're so scared to touch me. Especially when we're out of the house and you can't even look in my eyes for five seconds." Blythe grinned rubbing her hands together. "Make a move, beautiful."

Do y'all hear this?! Make a move she said! Right when I thought I had my big girl pants on she just took em right off me! She's literally declaring war, and I can't back down because we live together!

"I'm down for whatever, you tryna fuck me with your strap, shit I'm down. I'll even ride if you want me to but you gotta make a move." Blythe smirked while my jaw dropped.

"Close your mouth before I put my pussy in it." She smiled pinching my cheek as I closed my mouth. What on earth is happening!? Now I definitely gotta give it to her.

"Oh, the movies. This should be fun."

That was the last thing I heard before she got out of the car. Fun? What's that supposed to mean?! Shorty is tryna bitch me and I can't go out like that, I have to let HER make the move and show me how bad she wants me.

Keep your cool, I took a deep breath and got out the car. I took Blythe's hand locking it with mine, she looks so good tonight. Ever since she started working she's been much happier.

"Pick a movie, I'll go get the snacks." I let go of her hand and went in my own direction.

I know the game Blythe is trying to play and I won't let her win, I can't let her win. But the way Blythe was talking to me earlier had me weak in the knees. I've never met a stud who's willing to ride, that shit gets me so excited.

"What'd you pick?" I asked as Blythe came walking up to me. "You'll see."

"I don't know what snacks you like so I got whatever."

"That's fine." Blythe shrugged pulling me behind her, it was dim in the movie theater since it was previewed. "I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick," I whispered kissing her cheek then getting up from my chair.

I scurried off into the bathroom and locked myself in the stall. "I'm such a loser! I don't even know how to talk to Blythe and here I am dragging her to some date." I let out a loud sigh leaning against the wall.

"I don't know what she likes! It's all one big guessing game with her and right now I'm losing."

I said out loud hiding my face in my hands. It's been a minute since I've been on a date instead of being dragged to the bar. Maybe it's different with Blythe and I should take my time and ease into this.

But I will say this if I want to fuck on the first date I will because I'm grown.

"This is literally some tacky date I put together in my head," I mumbled after taking a deep breath. "I don't think it's tacky." I heard before going completely silent.

"Best first date ever and we haven't even done anything yet." Blythe chuckled on the other side of the stall. "Really?

"We could be robbing a bank and it would still be the best date ever."

I smiled coming out the stall pulling Blythe into a hug. "You're so sweet." I cooed kissing her cheek. "Come on, I think the movies starting," Blythe said wrapping her arm around my waist.

Not to be gay or anything but I think I love shorty.


"Thank you for taking me out tonight, I had fun," I said following Amora to the bedroom. We just came back from walking around town and let me tell you. I am tired!

"I'm glad you had fun." Amora pecked my lips before getting undressed. "The fun don't gotta be over," I smirked sliding my hand inside her boxers. "I- I have to take a shower! Yes, that's exactly what I have to do." Amora grabbed my wrist as I shook my head.

"No, You staying right here." I licked my lips pulling down her boxers as she stepped out of them. "Strip for me," I uttered letting go of her, I sat up straight getting undressed myself.

I couldn't help but look at Amoras' perky breast, she's petite with the right amount of everything. I watched as Amora swayed her hips looking at me seductively.

I smiled as she came over to me straddling my waist. I cupped her face kissing her roughly,  I could feel myself getting wet from just kissing her. "Blythe." Amora moaned kissing down my neck. I grabbed her neck making Amora look at me but being careful not to hurt her.

"You already wet and I barely touched you," I smirked putting my hand between her thighs. I moaned letting my two fingers inside her, I've never been so excited to touch a woman. "W-why are y-you smiling?" Amora moaned out moving her hips in sync with my fingers.

"I can't wait to fuck you." I grinned looking in her eyes before pulling her nipple with my free hand. "D-don't," Amora whined throwing her head back. "You're so beautiful," I said looking at her facial expressions. "Than-k you, b-baby." Amora smiled letting my fingers fuck her.

"You hear that?" I asked still fingering her, she shook her head grabbing on my wrist. "So fucking creamy." I cussed admiring the sound her pussy makes. "Come for me,"  I demanded.

"B-Blythe, p-please." Amora cried moving her hips faster. "For me, baby." I cooed moving my fingers in a 'come here' motion. "Baby." Amora cracked out, coming on my fingers.

I feel... powerful, I feel like a champion. "Mmm, look at that," I mumbled looking at her come drip off my fingers. "All for you," Amora said taking my fingers into her mouth, seductively licking them clean.

I let Amora out my lap as she laid down on her back. I spread her legs open laying sideways in between them, putting my right leg over her left.

I want to do every position possible with this girl. When I touch Amora I get excited, I like how she feels, I like everything about her.


-They went on their first date. You already know I had to throw in a lil sum 😊
-Awe how sweet is Blythe
-Chapter ain't much just a little something to keep y'all on

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