033: Let Loose

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".... she fell asleep on me..."

"... it's not like she's soooo heavy for you or something...."

"... nah, I'll pass. I don't wanna carry Mina..."

"... she's not a disease, chill boy.."

Mina heard some deep mumbles over her head. She didn't know where she was exactly or what the heck happened. Was she asleep? Probably. The road back home was a lengthy one and she remembered resting her head on the mirror while Kyungsoo drove away. Had she fallen asleep? Probably. She was a sleep girl anyway. The easiest of things made her fall asleep. Boredom was one of them, which was a default mode when you're with Kyungsoo who refused to turn on some songs in his car.

She opened her eyes slowly and replied back to the blurry figure beside Kyungsoo — with the new figure the others were behind — without even figuring out who exactly he was.

"I'm not a disease, chill boy." She repeated in drunken sleepiness whatever the second boy said; Suho, her head said, now that she opened her eyes and gauged the situation and his pretty face. So she definitely fell asleep, and now she woke up to their voices talking over her head as they dared to open her door and hover around her like lunatics. Yeah, Suho wasn't the only one present. There were the rest too. She tried opening more of her hazy eyes and she could spot them all snapping their heads towards her at hearing her voice. Every one of her friends was around the car, parked right across her apartment.

"It's not about that," Kyungsoo, from her peripheral sight, could be seen rolling his eyes. "It's just, my arms are too precious. Let one of your boyfriends do it. Or, let the sugar daddy handles it!"

Mina smiled, despite her grogginess, and she sat straight on the carseat. She blinked her eyes once, twice, and the blurry images of her boys gathered together into one. She could see Suho and Kyungsoo upfront, while the rest were behind them, worriedly eyeing her.

Ah-huh. So they were here because of what happened in the hospital. She remembered Kyungsoo telling them about it, too. It made sense that they'd wait for her return and gather around her apartment so they could receive her together.

"When did I deem myself as a sugar daddy?" Suho asked in puzzlement, eyes wide and blinking. Everyone behind him rolled their eyes with a snort, in simultaneous gestures, and Kyungsoo couldn't help but smirk.

"I'll do it!" Baekhyun enthusiastically bellowed, raising one of his arm in volunteering. He was deadly set about being the one carrying her to her room.

"Chill, Baek, she's awake," Chanyeol, who was beside him and Yixing, huffed. "She can carry her own ass."

"I have a cute ass though." She murmured in exhaustion, dropping her head back on the doorframe of the car and waiting for them to make a decision about who'll carry her. She treated herself like a spoiled princess sometimes, sue her. She was dead tired, too. She deserved that, in the least.

"Mina, do you want one of us to carry you in the house?" Yixing sweetly asked, ignoring Baekhyun and Chanyeol and generally everyone. Mina turned to him and gave him a sweet smile, but her attention was swiped by soft and tender Kai, who agreed with Yixing.

"Yeah, Mina. Let one of us take you. You look nearly devastated."

"More like, she looked like she was run by a tornado." Sehun smirked almost instantly, proud of his own words, and Jongdae quickly retaliated.

"How does someone gets run by a tornado?" Jongdae had his eyebrows high strung on his forehead in disbelieve.

"You should have stuck with the car." Baekhyun joined the teasing, giving Sehun a look, lips pursed to hide a laugh.

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