016: Jealousy

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"Can you let go now?"


There came a few minutes of silence, maybe four or five, the only sound in the dark living room was the sound of two, rhythmic breathing.




"Nah, keep trying. Maybe I'll go through one of them. Who knows?"

Mina released a heavy, laced with exhaustion growl and tried to kick the leg Baekhyun had around her own leg, squishing her into his body and evolving her into his infinite, sinking warmth. Mina could feel the beginning of sweat building up in her body and if Baekhyun was not disgusted by it; then she damn was.

"Baekhyun, you fucker," she wasn't successful with kicking him away, as he only raised his leg and tackled hers down again, wrapping his arms around her middle and squishing her body in his arms. Mina huffed, her warm breath attacking his neck. He let out a content sigh. "You're smothering me! You're too hot!"

"Oho," came his husky, low-pitched coo. She rolled her eyes, knowing what was coming. "I knew you thought like this of me, baby. I think you're very hot as well."

"Why did I know you'd reply like this." She answered in exasperation, and Baekhyun let out a small chuckle of amusement; snuggling into her while burying his nose into her orange scented hair.

"Because I'm a little piece of shit."

"Thank you." She tried to say accurately through her muffled whines, because he gave her body another squeeze and her face went straight to his neck, her lips on his skin. Her heart raced, in spite of the massive, massive heat he was radiating. "I appreciate that you know who you truly are."

He stayed silent, playing with her hair with his free hand and enjoying her presence in his arms. After he gave her a bunch of kisses (a lot of kisses, actually) she forced him to lay down and broke away from his skin contact, whining about how monstrous he was with his never burning stamina and growing hormones – which were not normal to her. No man should have such desires that didn't dwindle, and instead; grew more and more.

However, he had just received her attention and he was not going to break his octopus arms so easily away. So, he did what he thought felt right (considering they were all going through their feelings; no logic whatsoever in their actions) which was pulling her down to lay with him, and latching his arms and legs around her.

"Now let me go." She tried again, pulling her arms strongly out of his embrace and raising her head. Baekhyun, however, released a childish whine, reaching for both of her arms with one hand and yanking her back down.


"Baek, stop being a clingy motherfucker and let me the hell go." She growled dangerously, smacking his hand away and breaking her arms free again. Now, she needed to break her waist and legs. One step at a time. "I can't withstand this heat!"

"Noooooo.. Mina, I wanna hold you." He whined again, wrapping his arms tighter until she was buried again into his neck and all. She rolled her eyes heavily slow.

"That's cute and all, but I'd probably end up with a heat stroke or a fever by the time you're done holding me."

He didn't whine this time, but he he didn't say anything too, which made her think he was thinking himself; and went still. However, when she felt him nuzzle her nose into her neck and squeeze her into his chest, she growled.

"I'm going to kick your balls."

"Not my balls!" He flew out of her so fast, Mina was afraid he was going to end up falling out of the couch. Feeling the cold air of the OC quickly attacking her at his release, she sat up and let out a loud sigh of relief, flicking her hair away from her sweating neck.

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