005: Unexplainable Feelings

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I'll try to update with two chapters every time I update this to catch up to myself XD.


"Uh, do you two dorks know where we are going?"

Mina finally spoke, after half an hour aimlessly wandering alongside her stupid boys, Sehun and Kai, whom after she burst into tears – quite awkwardly, really – took a grasp of her arm and pulled her away from the suffocating cafeteria and the prying eyes, to go somewhere they refused to tell her the location of. Since she was busy wiping her tears and wallowing in major self pity, she didn't mind, but after she successfully pulled herself out of that stupid, pathetic, and childish phase, she blurted out the first sentence.

"Unlike you, sweetheart, we are not directionally challenged." Sehun dared to look down at her from his tower-like body, a patronizing little grin on his thin lips, his phone in his hands. She muttered something that sounded similarly like I am not directionally challenged you bastard child but Sehun lost interest as soon as he fixated his eyes on her, looking around the crowded streets of the shopping area his long legs took them to. Seeing his deliriousness, she looked at Kai instead, the same question flashing up in her eyes. Kai merely frowned.

"Don't ask me, this was the idiot's idea, I'm just following."

"You let him take the lead?" Mina gasped, sounding like she was getting electrocuted or something, or maybe she was recalling all of the traumatic experiences she had with Sehun when he decided to take the lead. "How could you? Now he will take us everywhere and molest our poor legs. He'd give mercy to none of us! Not even my superior, puppy face could thaw the icicles around his heart!"

"Relax, you daft, uncultured animal," Sehun rolled his eyes, his tone coming out extremely bored. She gave him a cautious look, taking a few steps backwards slowly he so easily noticed (because of his werewolf, creepy senses) yet he didn't acknowledge. His eyes were busy looking down at the phone in his hands, and Mina only just realized he was texting someone. "Suho Hyung asked me of my whereabouts and I told him of my original plan, which included going to a better place to eat than the uni's cafeteria, actually, you ungrateful hooligans," Sehun paused to give the two of them a look, offended that they didn't want to go anywhere with him leading. It wasn't like he was that horrible, was it? "But he told me to change the plan and meet him here. He had something he wanted to buy, plus everyone are free and were annoying him in his home, so he decided to treat them out to leave his precious house alone."

When it came to Suho and his perfect, expensive large house, he wanted it speck and clean, something the boys found hard to comprehend, and messed literally every corner they could find. It wasn't like they did it intentionally, nobody really wants to stay in a ruffled, unclean place; but the boys are wild. One night in Suho's extravagant house together could cause two days of cleaning, and it wasn't even an exaggeration. Since the Alpha lived alone (because damn him and his money, he could afford a castle if he wanted) the boys always liked to gather around in his home, have sleepovers, parties, and gatherings. Most of the time, Suho doesn't really say no to them, but when he's in one of his moods, he'd rather kick them all out of his house.

"Oh thank God," Mina wiped imaginary sweat out of her head, causing Kai to snicker softly at her overdramatic antics, while Sehun didn't say anything, letting her be her stupid self again if it meant she wouldn't cry again. "Suho always saves the day. I think I love him just a little more."

"I didn't even know you could love the guy more." Kai commented with a small, quiet snort, but there was a small smile on his lips and Mina liked that he wasn't hiding behind his indifference when he was with her. She nudged her shoulder with his playfully, a smug smile on her face.

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