|Chapter 5|Back to the Timeline

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"Please take care of my baby brother."
(This chapter is Cole in the future the last 4 parts was his past.)
|Chapter 5|Back to the Timeline|

No Pov

"JAY GIVE IT BACK!" Someone yells from the game room. "WHY SHOULD I?!" Another shouts. Cole puts his bookmark in his book and sets it down. Cole gets up and walks over to the game room. "Will you two shut up?!" Cole shouts from the door. Lloyd pauses the game. "S-sorry Cole." Lloyd says rubbing the back of his neck. "What were you two fighting about?" Cole asks leaning against the door. "Well Lloyd was fucking around and grabbed my controller away from me and killed me!" Jay shouts. "Is that seriously the reason you two were fighting?" Cole sighs not wanting to know what they respond with so he left the room. Cole not wanting to read his book anymore walks into the kitchen to get a salad or something to eat. "Hello Zane." Cole waves a small wave. "Hello friend Cole." Zane replies back. "I was about finished making brownies do you want one?" Zane asks. "Nah I'm not in the mood, Lloyd and Jay pissed me off again." Cole sighed sitting on the counter. Zane looked at him. "What was it this time?" He asks grabbing the brownies from the oven. "Fighting over controllers or some shit." Cole says. Zane rolls his eyes. "Sounds like a normal day to me." He smiles. Zane finishes putting the brownies on the island in the middle of the kitchen. "GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN MY HAIR GEL?!" Kai asks running into the kitchen. "Kai it's all gone." Cole sighed banging his head against the cabinet. "Damnit now I have to go buy more." Kai wines. Kai walks out the kitchen. "Damn now I have a headache how do you deal with them Zane?" Cole asks. "I'm not sure noise doesn't bother me." Zane shrugged and pulls out two headache pills and water for Cole. "Thanks bud." Cole says and downs the pills. "Your welcome Cole." Zane says as he leaves the kitchen. "I'll just go train." Cole sighs talking to himself.

|With the others...|

"Hey bro" Lloyd asks. "What's up?" Jay says pausing their game. "So Cole he's been like ruder these past few days and I couldn't help but notice." Lloyd says not interested into the video game anymore. "Cole he said he's been here for his whole life and I guess he's just not used to so many people here yet." Jay sighs. "Yeah I guess your right." Lloyd says. "I'm not in the mood for video games so wanna go train?" Lloyd asks. "Why not." Jay shrugs and turns off the (whatever game console). They get up and start heading to the training room. "Hey Cole?" Jay greets. "Are you two here to give me a headache again?" Cole grunts. "What? No obviously were here to train." Lloyd says walking up to a punching dummy. "That'll be the first." Cole scoffs. "I mean not really." Jay smiles sheepishly at Cole. Cole rolls his eyes still punching the punching bag. "Woah calm down bud what's gotten you all steamed up?" Kai asks walking into the training room. "Nothing Kai it's fine." Cole sighs and stood putting his head on the bag. "Hey u okay?" Lloyd asks. "Yeah I'm fine dude." Cole says grabbing his water. "It doesn't seem like it though." Jay mumbles. "Don't worry I'm okay. Hey any of you wanna go out?" Cole asks turning around before leaving the training area. "Sure I got to get more hair gel anyways." Kai shrugged. "I'm in!" "Same here." Jay shouts. "Cool I'll go get Zane." Cole runs off to Zane's room. "I guess he was just mad?" Lloyd asks. "Probably." Kai smiles getting his shoes on. Same with the others. Cole comes running back with Zane walking behind him. "Alright let's go." Cole says opening the front door. "Where are we going exactly?" Jay asks. "Ninjago City obviously!" Cole laughs. "We can just do whatever I don't mind. I just... Wanted to get out the Monastery for a bit." Cole sighs. They all walked to Ninjago City.

|At Ninjago City|

"So where we heading first?" Cole asked. "I need more hair gel so let's go get some." Kai runs. "C'mon why do you have to have hair gel?!" Lloyd shouts following him. "I guess hair gel it is." Zane sighs. "I'll just wait outside the store you guys head in." Cole says. The nod and walk in. "Hey I'm is it alright if I stay out here with you?" Zane asks. "Sure you're not as annoying as the others." Cole laughs. "I do not enjoy bothering my friends when they don't want to be bothered." Zane sighs. "Then why are you bothering me now?" Cole scoffs. "Wha- u-umm I.. I'll leave then." Zane stutters and starts to walk away. "Zane dude I was joking!" Cole laughs. "O-oh right!" Zane blushes a little bit. "Oh my God Kai how many hair gels do you need?!" Jay yells. "Enough to last me about three days." He says. "Three days?! Bro you got like 30 bottles of gel!" Lloyd shouts. "C'mon let's go eat somewhere." Zane suggested to make then stop fighting. "Yes food!" Jay shouts. "Where though?" Cole asks. "Chen's noodles of course!" Zane says cheerfully. "Zane you know us so we'll." Lloyd smiles. They start heading to Chen's noodles. "Table for five." Zane said. A waitress nods and walks over to a table. "Here you are boys I will be back in a moment." The lady says. "Oh hey Cole I forgot to ask. Uh how did you get that scar on your neck?" Lloyd points out. "I don't know actually.. I asked sensei, but he didn't know either." Cole shrugs looking at the menu. "Hey boys I'm Rachel and I'll be your waitress today, so is there anything I can get you to drink?" Rachel asks. They all order their drinks as Rachel writes it down. "She's pretty hot." Kai laughs. Lloyd punches him. "WHAT?" Kai asks like nothing happened. "You're my boyfriend and don't you forget!" Lloyd says. "Alright ma'am." Kai giggles. "I am not a girl." Lloyd points. "Your hair tells me otherwise." Kai laughs. The others laugh too. "Just because I lost my bet dose not mean you have to make fun of my now pink hair!" Lloyd shouts. "Is Lloyd the green ninja upset?" Kai asks making a pouty face. The others continued to laugh. "Here you are boys." Rachel sets down their drinks. She hands Cole his drink and gasps. "Something wrong?" Cole asks. "Where did you get the scar?" She asks. "I don't know really I mean if I had to guess I fell and a rock maybe got me bad." Cole suggested. " Why do you wanna know?" Cole asks. "It looks like a scar I fixed for a young boy about 18 years ago." She answered.

|Chapter Word Count|1170|

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